Inhabitants of the Island of Diabloverde claim association to the Suicide Squad—a lie Amanda Waller intends to get to the bottom of no matter the cost.
Greg Rucka, Chuck Dixon, Dennis O'Neil, Kelley Puckett, Scott Beatty, John Ostrander, Mike Deodato, Jim Balent, Rick Burchett, Dan Jurgens, Scott McDaniel, Damion Scott, Roger Robinson & Graham Nolan
Bill Finger, Alan Grant, Doug Moench, John Ostrander, Paul Dini, Jason Aaron, Bob Kane, Norm Breyfogle, Don Newton, Kelley Jones, Joe Staton & Jason Pearson
John Ostrander, Bill Finger, Dennis O'Neil, Gerry Conway, Doug Moench, Paul Dini, John Broome, Tim Seeley, Tom Mandrake, Bob Kane, Dick Sprang, Sheldon Moldoff, Irv Novick, José Luis García-López, Don Newton, Don Kramer, Bob Brown, Otto Schmidt & Sami Basri