Tealgaze’s Path — Chapter four!
By 👾👾👾1532
Tealgaze clambered over the rocks, her breath coming in sharp gasps as she struggled to climb the rocky outcrop.
She reached the top and collapsed on the soft tussocks of grass and moss that grew on the edge of the cliff.
Tealgaze looked over at the direction of where she came from and admired the view somewhat dejectedly.
She had been aimlessly wandering towards the mountains for two moons now, but she had yet to find a good place to settle. Tealgaze had run across many different cats — rogues, loners, and kittypets — and learned quite a bit about different ways of life. Some of them weren’t very hospitable, but some of them offered to share their food or shelter for a day or so, and Tealgaze happily took up their offers to rest up and get her strength.
But now that two moons has passed, her belly had swelled with kits, and they were almost due, she was starting to get worried.
What if she gave birth to her kits in a dangerous place?
What if she couldn’t find food for them?
What if a fox or badger killed them?
Or worse, what if she died during kitting, and her kits were forced to survive on their own?
• Stop stressing and keep going,• Tealgaze told herself as she stood up and trekked onwards, her paws sore and tired.
She walked until the sun fell, and right when she was about to give up and go to sleep for the night, she stumbled upon a small hollow ringed by three trees. Brambles and gorse surrounded it in a dense tangle, which promised safety.
Intrigued, Tealgaze searched for a way through (a thinner patch of bramble) and pushed her way inside.
• Maybe this will be a good spot for kits? •
After looking around, Tealgaze settled down for the night, feeling safe and content in her shady little hollow.
Over the next quarter moon, Tealgaze was busy working on making the hollow safer and more secure, and even made a fresh-kill pile to remind her of home. She looked on it sadly, thinking about WolfClan and her siblings. Tealgaze felt grief cool her heart — how could she leave them? She missed them so, so much. Was Dustyrose doing better? Was she even still alive? Was Mousepetal deputy, like she seemed destined to be? What about Pouncebranch? Robinbreeze? Did Rippedgorse find a mate who would actually have kits — happily — with him?
Tealgaze felt ashamed of herself for overreacting. But then again… she said no…
A sharp, searing pain suddenly gripped her stomach.
• No… •
Another spasm made her crouch down as she gritted her teeth against the pain. “ No.” Tealgaze gasped to empty silence. “ The kits.”
My hope dangles on a string like slow-spinning redemption — that’s from Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional heh
The final chapter is in the final chapter of DoTC!
— Sunsetsplash
Plz do a movie
By Aly Dee
I love all ur books and im on to the Seekers series but one recommendation is PLZ make a warriors movie of any of the books
Second chapter of BloodClan fanfic•Join alternate universe BloodClan!
By warriorsIScool
Stream waved her tail teasingly.
“You can’t catch me!” she chirped. Her brother narrowed his blue eyes. She winked one of her own amber ones and leaped onto a higher perch on the mountain of Twoleg trash. Growl tried to clamber up, but something shiny slid away under his paws.
“Stop that. You’ll be trainees today at Set! Cats are already placing their stones for who should train you!” Brook scolded, making Stream cast a glance towards the holes in the ground at the other side of the den. Each hole had things that a cat chose to put in it. Each year the finds got more impressive, even including a few dog teeth this year like many of the senior fighters wore on collars. Whoever had the most items, and the most impressive items, would get the honor of being a trainer. She could see cats sneakily casting rocks into holes now. The sun began to dip below the Twolegplace. The time had gone from Fall into Set.
“All cats gather round!” Killer’s yowl rang out in the large den. There was a few passages leading off the den, and cats streamed forwards from these. Stream’s mother, Brook, waved them down with her tail and sat in her place by Fang, her father. The two kits scurried down the trash pile and stared with wide eyes at the pile of stones. Growl’s amber-splotched pelt rippled with excitement, and her tail eagerly twitched.
“Cats of BloodClan,” the leader began. “These two kits are about to truly start their lives and become trainees. Death, you brought back a Twoleg pelt and several shiny foodstuff (author’s note: they believe that, as Twolegs trade with coins and seem to consider them of great value, they must be edible.), and even a piece of glass. I will give you today the honor of mentoring Growl. Growl, you are now a trainee.”
He paused to look at her.
“Snarl, you brought back one of DeathClan’s dog teeth. This is a much-coveted prize item. Therefore, I will honor you by mentoring Stream. Stream, be proud. You are now a true trainee.”
“Growl! Stream! Growl! Stream!”
Stream grinned as the cats chanted her name once, twice, three times.
•I am a full trainee of BloodClan now! I will do all I can to help my Clan.•
Warriors dawn of the clans
By Moniquetypical
Can you make this audio
I realized in the reviews...
By KayMistery
I read reviews all the time. ERIN HUNTER, LET THE PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE “MONEY MONEY MONEY” GO YEET AND MAKE THE PRICE GO HIGHER (if u can idk I’m a child ;-;). And let them complain there butts off. Thank StarClan for making these books too, NO ONE CARES ABOUT MONEY. So, continue making books Erin Hunter, please. Also, ignore all the meanies out there, have a great brightened day! (JEEZ SAYING BRIGHTENED IS MAKING ME THINK OF BRIGHTHEART I FEEL SO BAD FOR BRIGHTHEART ;-;.
Cmon you know better.
By unicorn lover3d
I mean well yea the title. But literally can you stop doing this... oh I forgot don’t mind the title. WOULD PPL JUST STOP SPOILING. I already found out that Clear Sky and Star Flower are mates. I mean, Clear Sky, how many mates do you need? Thunder must be ticked off. But if Star Flower is mate to Clear Sky, that means Star Flower is kin to Thunder. So Thunder can’t take Star Flower as a mate, because Star Flower is mates to Clear Sky, who is Thunder’s father. And when is the Clans going to form with Thunderstar, Windstar, Shadowstar, Riverstar, and Skystar? I mean, Thunder is going to be Thunderstar, and Wind Runner is going to be Windstar, and River Ripple is going to be Riverstar, but how about Shadowstar and Skystar? Emberkit, Wind Runner’s kit, (he died) was the only cat to have a warrior name, whatever you call them. And the ranks are getting closer. Thunder leader, Gray Wing deputy. Clear Sky leader, and maybe Leaf.. or who’s powerful and trusted in Clear Sky’s group? Spirit-cats are StarClan, if course. And back to A Vision of Shadows. Could there be another series after that? I know, it takes time, but if there were another series that would be GREAT. I haven’t read Bramblestar’s Storm, but I’m so busy at reading these books to buy Bramblestar’s Storm and read it. And some questions for that series if you’re going to write it. Is Squirrelflight ever going to be leader, as Squirrelstar? What would happen to Leafpool? Would Firestar still be rich in cats’ memories? Would elders still remember Bluestar? (If they’re alive I haven’t checked.) Seems like I’m out of time so good-bye!
Sapphire clan
By Saphireclan
I now hate Clear Sky because he took Star Flower as a mate. I mean what the heck how dumb is he , though I have not read the book the reviews say that Clear Sky is the mate of Star Flower. I bet Thunders ticked off!
Saphirestar of 💎 clan
By Zitronediac
Good book but too expensive lol
SO EXITED!!! (Please read)
By xXWackyWarriorcatXx
OMG! I'm super exited!!!!! It's a little expensive but WORTH IT. I loved the last book but it kinda annoyed me. What was star flower thinking??? She is so sly and doesn't care about anyone's feelings. She's just like one eye. After I read the part where she was gonna have kits with clear sky, I was literally in a bad mood the rest of the day. but I TOTALLY know what's gonna happen in the next book! star flowers kits will belong to the cat who kidnapped her instead of clear sky. The whole thing was an ACT!! YAS! I'm so exited I just CANNOT WAIT😀😀😀
By White Tiles 4⃣
Why isn't there movies of warrior cats?! That would be awesome!