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Starting A New Job In A Week By Christine Harvey

Starting A New Job In A Week

By Christine Harvey

  • Release Date: 2014-02-28
  • Genre: Careers
  • $2.99


Succeeding in your new job just got easier
Why is it that we don't learn at school some of the most important things we'll need for life? These are things like how to succeed in relationships, how to read a contract for buying a home - and how to start a new job successfully. These are things we eventually glean from other people, through observation or through trial and error. The purpose of this book is to cut out the trial and error and to give you the experiences of highly successful people so that you can succeed now.

This book covers the essential ingredients you'll need for succeeding in your new job. They include:
- Preparing before you start
- Handling day one with ease
- Having great success with your boss and colleagues
- Using the right attitudes (ones that get you promoted not demoted)
- Planning your leadership future by halting failure
- Promoting loyalty and leading change
- Succeeding as a leader (handling difficult situations head on)
- Reaching your goals with proper monitors and controls

Keep pen and paper to hand as you read each day's chapter so that you can make notes when prompted. Your notes will build up into a useful set of prompts for you as youmake your mark in the new job.