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Oh, Money! Money! By Eleanor H. Porter

Oh, Money! Money!

By Eleanor H. Porter

  • Release Date: 2014-01-23
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
  • $2.99


… It was on the first warm evening in early June that Miss Flora Blaisdell crossedthe common and turned down the street that led to her brother James's home.The common marked the center of Hillerton. Its spacious green lawns and elm-shaded walks were the pride of the town. There was a trellised band-stand forsummer concerts, and a tiny pond that accommodated a few boats in summerand a limited number of skaters in winter. Perhaps, most important of all, thecommon divided the plebeian East Side from the more pretentious West. JamesBlaisdell lived on the West Side. His wife said that everybody did who WASanybody. They had lately moved there, and were, indeed, barely settled.Miss Blaisdell did dressmaking. Her home was a shabby little rented cottage onthe East Side. She was a thin-faced little woman with an anxious frown andnear-sighted, peering eyes that seemed always to be looking for wrinkles. Shepeered now at the houses as she passed slowly down the street. She had beenonly twice to her brother's new home, and she was not sure that she wouldrecognize it, in spite of the fact that the street was still alight with the last raysof the setting sun. Suddenly across her worried face flashed a relieved smile."Well, if you ain't all here out on the piazza!" she exclaimed, turning, in at thewalk leading up to one of the ornate little houses. "My, ain't this grand!""Oh, yes, it's grand, all right," nodded the tired-looking man in the big chair,removing his feet from the railing. He was in his shirt- sleeves,…

About Author:
Eleanor Emily Hodgman Porter (December 19, 1868 – May 21, 1920) was an American novelist.
Porter mainly wrote children's literature, adventure stories and romance fiction. Her most famous novel is Pollyanna (1913), later followed by a sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up (1915). Her adult novels include The Turn of the Tide (1908), The Road to Understanding (1917), Oh Money! Money! (1918), Dawn (1919), Keith's Dark Tower (1919), Mary Marie (1920), and Sister Sue (1921); her short story collections include Across the Years (c. 1923), Money, Love and Kate (1923), Little Pardner (1926).