Home / Miss Billy
… "I know about him," corrected the lawyer, smilingly, "though I'll confess I'verather lost track of him lately. Ned will know. I'll ask Ned. Now go home, mydear, and dry those pretty eyes of yours. Or, better still, come home with me totea. I--I'll telephone up to the house." And he rose stiffly and went into theinner office.Some minutes passed before he came back, red of face, and plainly distressed."My dear child, I--I'm sorry, but--but I'll have to take back that invitation," heblurted out miserably. "My sisters are--are not well this afternoon. Ann hasbeen having a turn with her heart-- you know Ann's heart is--is bad; and Letty--Letty is always nervous at such times--very nervous. Er--I'm so sorry! Butyou'll--excuse it?""Indeed I will," smiled Billy, "and thank you just the same; only"-- her eyestwinkled mischievously--"you don't mind if I do say that it IS lucky that wehadn't gone on planning to have me live with them, Mr. Harding!""Eh? Well--er, I think your plan about the Henshaws is very good," heinterposed hurriedly. "I'll speak to Ned--I'll speak to Ned," he finished, as heceremoniously bowed the girl from the office…
About Author:
Eleanor Emily Hodgman Porter (December 19, 1868 – May 21, 1920) was an American novelist.
Porter mainly wrote children's literature, adventure stories and romance fiction. Her most famous novel is Pollyanna (1913), later followed by a sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up (1915). Her adult novels include The Turn of the Tide (1908), The Road to Understanding (1917), Oh Money! Money! (1918), Dawn (1919), Keith's Dark Tower (1919), Mary Marie (1920), and Sister Sue (1921); her short story collections include Across the Years (c. 1923), Money, Love and Kate (1923), Little Pardner (1926).
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