Home / See It
Story Summary:
Mat, Mit, and Sis are playing ball on a very hot day. They suddenly see a shady place and decide to play where it’s not so hot. Then they discover that the shade is really the shadow of Will the Elephant. As the sun goes down, off they all go for a ride on Will’s back.
This is book 8 in the series of beginning readers from ReadingTeacher.com.The story is read along so your child can listen to the text or read independently. This story is geared toward children grades P-3.
New Sound in Book 8
New Words in Book 8:
in, it
About the Reading Teacher series: The 100 books in the series use systematic phonics to ensure that your beginning readers will get a great start in reading proficiency. The books begin at a very simple level and gradually introduce new sounds and words until students have mastered all 44 phonemes (sounds) in the English language. Since 2013 this series has been downloaded over 636K times! The books begin at a very simple level and gradually introduce new sounds and words until students have mastered all 44 phonemes (sounds) in the English language. For more information on the entire series and the additional teaching material visit. www.Readingteacher.com