Home / Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci By . .Collection

Leonardo Da Vinci

By . .Collection

  • Release Date: 2024-11-14
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
  • $4.99


This book deals with the life and history of Leonardo Da Vinci, known as one of the greatest painters of the world. The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) is his best known work, the world's most famous painting.

“Leonardo da Vinci seems to present in his own person a résumé of all the characteristics of the age in which he lived. He was the miracle of that age of miracles. Ardent and versatile as youth; patient and persevering as age; a most profound and original thinker; the greatest mathematician and most ingenious mechanic of his time; architect, chemist, engineer, musician, poet, painter—we are not only astounded by the variety of his natural gifts and acquired knowledge, but by the practical direction of his amazing powers...

“We call the "Mona Lisa" a portrait, and we have been told how La Gioconda sat for the picture, and how the artist invented ways of amusing her, by stories, recitations, the luring strain of hidden lutes, and strange flowers and rare pictures brought in as surprises to animate and cheer. That Leonardo loved this woman we are sure, and that their friendship was close and intimate the world has guessed...”