Home / Action Comics (2016-) #1074

Action Comics (2016-) #1074 By Mark Waid

Action Comics (2016-) #1074

By Mark Waid

  • Release Date: 2024-11-06
  • Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
  • $4.99


A dying planet, a desperate scientist, a last son…it could only mean one thing: Krypton! To uncover the secrets of the Phantom Zone, Kal-El must journey back to the days of his birth planet and into the lab of Jor-El himself. What shocking secrets will link the greatest prison known to the cosmos and the nefarious villain Aeythr…and does the Man of Steel stand a chance of making it out alive? Plus, Supergirl’s mission halts as she ?nds herself captured and awaiting her fate at the hands of the highest bidder!