Home / Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbial Treatment of Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater can contain many toxic pollutants as well as varying concentrations of organic and inorganic matter. These pollutants can be carcinogenic, mutagenic, or hardly biodegradable, which could cause serious human health risks and also affect other aquatic and terrestrial biota as well. Biological treatment techniques for industrial wastewater, including aerobic and anaerobic digestion, are known to be environmentally friendly, clean, and generally superior to other physicochemical techniques. Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbial Treatment of Industrial Wastewater presents the latest information on multiple bioremediation treatment techniques; summarizes the sources, occurrence, and removal of industrial pollutants; and suggests the most appropriate treatment options for different scenarios. Describes the biochemistry of pollutant removal by aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Highlights emerging pollutants as well as resource recovery techniques from contaminated industrial wastewater. Emphasizes the role of both conventional and innovative novel technologies in aerobic and anaerobic microbial bioremediation of pollutants originated from industrial wastewater.