Home / How Green Are Your Eyes
The five were squeezed into the bright yellow Renault heading eastwards. The roads were quiet and Wilf, sandwiched between his cousins in the back, had a good view of the countryside his dad had talked so fondly of. The car rattled onwards before, on the cusp of a sharp bend, Edward slammed on the brakes causing Wilf to lurch forward between the two front seats.
At the age of 18 Wilf Hughes has survived childhood, studying for A-levels, and being shot at when all he wanted to do was play songs in a band. Now he is heading across the sea for his first adventures as an adult. In the company of his cousins Eileen and Mary Rose, Wilf discovers the beauty of the Irish countryside, whilst embroiled in the neighbours' family drama. In the process he chances upon the enigmatic Orla, and a darker side to 1990s Ireland. Has Wilf seen too much for his own good again?