Home / Success Principles Of Mahatria Ra
T.T. Rangarajan is a man from a very ordinary family. He was called Ranga informally. He was born on 23rd May, 1965 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He introduced the path of “infinitheism” in his initiative on 11th November, 2011 at 11:11 am. He changed his name from Rajan to Ra, reflecting the name of his human presence. Mahatria’s philosophical understanding are: “The power of a man is in the power of his mind”, “The belief that you hold at the beginning of your journey, defines your journey”, “what is, is, what is not, is not”, “There’s no way to happiness, happiness is the way”, “The language of life is love”, “Pray as if everything depends upon God, Act as if everything depends on you”, “Faith works, faith alone works”, “This and that is possible”, “energy + intelligent efforts + faith in the energy = miraculous possibilities”.Mahatria says that the master key to peaceful progress in life is ACR which means, accept the unchangeable aspects of life, Change the changeable attributes from life, Remove yourself from the unacceptable conditions. Mahatria says, a complaining mind is never peaceful.A grateful heart is always peaceful. Mahatria is a successful man, still the following mantras provide more prudence to his philosophical teachings to become successful in life: See life learn and grow with it, Think act and change, Live as a gift, Practice abundance, There is a lot of human potential and spirituality just expands it. Success Principles of Mahatria Ra by Abhishek Kumar: This book provides insights into the success principles and strategies of Mahatria Ra, the Indian motivational speaker and writer. With its focus on personal development and spiritual growth, "Success Principles of Mahatria Ra" is a must-read for anyone interested in self-improvement and personal growth. Key Aspects of the Book "Success Principles of Mahatria Ra": Personal Growth and Development: The book highlights the importance of personal growth and development in achieving success and fulfillment, providing valuable insights into Mahatria Ra's approach to personal and spiritual growth. Inspiring Ideas: The book provides a collection of inspiring quotes and ideas, showcasing Mahatria Ra's wisdom and insight into various aspects of life and spirituality. Practical Strategies: The book provides a range of practical strategies and tips for achieving success and happiness. Abhishek Kumar is an author and motivational speaker who has written extensively on personal growth and development. "Success Principles of Mahatria Ra" is one of his most popular works.