Home / Bushido, The Soul of Japan
Bushido, The Soul of Japan is, along with the classic text Hagakure by Tsunetomo Yamamoto, a study of the way of the samurai. A bestseller in its day, it was read by many influential foreigners, among them President Theodore Roosevelt, President John F. Kennedy and Robert BadenPowell. It may well have shaped BadenPowell's ideas on the Boy Scout movement he founded. As Japan underwent deep transformations of its traditional lifestyle while forging into a modern nation, Nitobe engaged in an inquiry into the ethos of his nation, and the result of his meditations was this seminal work. A fine stylist in English, he wrote many books in that language, which earned him a place among the best known Japanese writers of his age. He found in Bushido, the Way of the Warrior, the sources of the virtues most admired by his people: rectitude, courage, benevolence, politeness, sincerity, honor, loyalty and selfcontrol. His approach to his task was eclectic and farreaching. Nitobe Inazō was a Japanese agricultural economist, author, educator, diplomat, politician, and Christian during Meiji and Taishō period Japan.
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