Home / Warriors: A Starless Clan #6: Star

Warriors: A Starless Clan #6: Star By Erin Hunter

Warriors: A Starless Clan #6: Star

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2024-11-05
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $8.99
Score: 5
From 41 Ratings


Will StarClan forsake RiverClan completely, or will the cats find their way back to the light? This final book in the epic A Starless Clan arc—the eighth arc in the mega-selling Warriors series—answers readers' most burning questions about the fate of RiverClan.

Can a Clan that has turned on itself ever truly recover?

The fate of all Clanhood hangs in the balance. After killing Harelight and pronouncing himself leader of RiverClan, Splashtail's thirst for power has only grown.

Soon his greed threatens the safety of not only RiverClan but all Clans. Yet Splashtail's trickery knows no bounds, and the Clans find themselves in more danger than they could have imagined. Only one thing is certain: They will have to work as one to defeat Splashtail before he tears them apart.


  • Review of Star! No spoilers!

    By Dove's Wing
    Stoppppppp how is that already another Warriors arc gone?!?! I can’t anymore I actually don’t know how to feel about RiverClan’s new leader. She isn’t shown much in earlier series and we don’t know much about her. But at least she’s better than Splashtail (Y’all I was a firm Frosttail shipper before whichever book we found out he was evil 😭😭) Frostpaw’s full name is so pretty! I was rooting hard for Frostfeather (and Whistlesong for Whistlepaw) but I get it, Curlfeather was evil that was never going to happen. But don’t get me wrong, I love Frostpaw and Whistlepaw’s full names nonetheless! Fognose and Breezeheart are wild 😭 I actually can’t with them Ngl I think Splashtail was one of the best villains. I mean he was kinda insane (like mentally) but that’s what makes him good in my opinion Ok that’s all for now! Bye!!💗

    By sierra !!
    AHHH!! SO GOOD! Is there another arc? Or one coming soon?? I need to know!!
  • Loved it!!!

    By WarriorCatsForever 🐈🐈‍⬛
    This series was amazing ! SPLOILER ALERT 🚨 Splashtail is so evil 👿 ~ ✨ Starflame of GalaxyClan ✨
  • Star

    By Shaydog2021
    10/10 best book in the series so far! The way it all culminated in the end: chef’s kiss! Another masterpiece