He was born, wild, in the wild west of America but his trust and devotion to the spirited teenage girl, Jo Green, tamed him, but just barely! Uniquely narrated the horse himself, this coming of age tale in the wild west is a wonderful read and joy to partake. Pick up this animal autobiography today from the master story teller herself, Anna Sewell. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is a classic children’s novel first published in 1877 in the United Kingdom. A true book of worth, a classic that lives in an era of timeless distinction. Early books emit an excellence unlike any from modern times. You will not be dissatisfied with this works, Classic historical fiction at its finest. A Look Inside "The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, and rushes and water-lilies grew at the deep end." ― Anna Sewell, Black Beauty About the Book The novel is written in the first person by the titular horse, Black Beauty, as an autobiographical biography, beginning with his carefree days as a foal on an English farm with his mother, to his terrible time pulling cabs in London, to his peaceful retirement in the country. Along the voyage, he encounters numerous difficulties and tells many stories of cruelty and kindness. Each brief chapter recounts an incident in Black Beauty's life that contains a lesson or moral, usually related to the kindness, sympathy, and understanding treatment of horses, with Sewell's detailed observations and extensive descriptions of horse behavior lending the novel a sense of verisimilitude. A Stunning Reproduction At Van Isle Publishing, we take every step possible to ensure the original integrity of this book has been upheld to its highest standard. This means that the texts in this story are unedited and unchanged from the original authors publication, preserving its earliest form for your indulgence. This title is one of the best animal stories, of all time, words strung together with such romantic precision, an adventure books that you just do not see in the modern age. This title will make an excellent gift to the classic children’s litrature buff in your life or a fantastic addition to your current collection. We are ready to ship this book off to you today at lightning speed, so you will find yourself indulging in this title without delay. Books Specifics ● Original 1877 Scripture ● Epic Classic Novel Annotated Content • Historical Context • Detailed 19th Century Historical bullet pointed context