Home / Spirits Rebellious
"Spirits Rebellious" is a collection of short stories written by the renowned Lebanese-American writer Kahlil Gibran, first published in 1908. The book comprises a series of narratives that reflect Gibran's profound insights into themes such as love, freedom, justice, and the human condition. Gibran's writing style is characterized by its lyrical prose and poignant exploration of the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Through vivid storytelling and evocative imagery, he conveys powerful messages of social and political rebellion, advocating for individual freedom and the pursuit of truth and justice. "Spirits Rebellious" serves as a poignant critique of societal norms and a testament to Gibran's enduring literary legacy, highlighting his unwavering commitment to advocating for the emancipation of the human spirit and the pursuit of universal truths in a world marked by social and political upheavals.
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