Home / Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Instrument Rating FAA-CT-8080-3F
This Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement is designed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards Service. It is intended for use by Airman Knowledge Testing (AKT) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Holders and other entities approved and/or authorized to administer airman knowledge tests on behalf of the FAA in the following knowledge areas: Instrument Rating—Airplane (IRA) Instrument Rating—Rotorcraft/Helicopter (IRH) Instrument Rating—Powered Lift (IPL) Instrument Flight Instructor—Powered Lift (IPI) Instrument Rating—Foreign Pilot (IFP) Instrument Flight Instructor—Airplane (FII) Instrument Flight Instructor—Rotorcraft/Helicopter - (FIH) Instrument Flight Instructor—Airplane (added rating) (AIF) Instrument Flight Instructor—Rotorcraft/Helicopter (added rating) (HIF) Ground Instructor—Instrument (IGI)