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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1899 edition. Excerpt: ... XXIII. Johnny's months went uneventfully. At Maidment and Hurst's he applied himself zealously to his trade-- the more because home was a dull place now--and he was as smart a lad as any in the shop of his age, or perhaps of a few months older. He could turn back an eyelid, too, and whip away an iron filing, or a speck of emery grit, with such address and certainty as might astonish a surgeon. The operation was one that every engineer's apprentice grew apt at, and exceptional dexterity like Johnny's was a matter of pride, a distinction zealously striven for, an accomplishment to exercise at every opportunity. Johnny felt that he had passed with honours on the memorable day when Cottam, the gaffer, roared to him from the other end of the shop to come and attend to his eye, afflicted with a sharp grain of brass. "No--not you," quoth Mr. Cottam, in answer to instant offers of help from those hard by. "This 'ere'll stick like a nail in a barn door. Where's young May? D'y'ear? Where's young Jack May?" Much of his practical knowledge Johnny owed to Long Hicks. That recluse, whose sole friend hitherto had been his accordion, now declared for a second hobby, which was to turn Johnny into the best workman at Maidment and Hurst's before his time was out . "You've got all the chances," said Long Hicks. "You're servin' yer time on small work--alwis best for trainin' a first-rate man. I'm reckoned a good fitter, but I served time mostly on big work, or I'd 'a' bin better." He recommended Johnny to qualify as a marine engineer when his apprenticeship was over, even if he intended to live a shore life. "You get yer c'tificates, an' then you're all right," he would say. "An' the better c'tificates you get the better you'll do, afloat or ashore. So as...