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Rosalie knew her father was part of an MC club, a vile disgusting group of men. To protect her mother, she has no choice but to marry a man her father has chosen.
Colt doesn’t want to create peace. Satan’s Death Riders MC doesn't settle, they do not bow down, but for now, his father has told him to marry the daughter of his enemy. He personally vows to make her life miserable. This will be a great way for him to pass the time before he gets the chance to kill her father. They claim she's a virgin, but they're liars. No slut of the Evil F*****s MC is pure.
But Rosalie is nothing like her father. She's just a pawn. Someone he can use. What will happen when she becomes more than just a pawn, more than someone he can use?
She wants her father dead as much as Colt does. Maybe they can work together. All she wants is for her mother to be free, for them to no longer live in fear. It's an easy deal to make, but even Colt didn’t see what was coming.