Home / Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants
This book discusses new and innovative trends and techniques in the removal of toxic and or refractory pollutants through various environmental biotechnological processes from wastewater, both at the laboratory and industrial scale. It focuses primarily on environmentally-friendly technologies which respect the principles of sustainable development, including the advanced trends in remediation through an approach of environmental biotechnological processes from either industrial or sewage wastewater.
Examines the fate and occurrence of refractory pollutants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the potential approaches for their removal. Highlights advanced remediation procedures involving various microbiological and biochemical processes. Assesses and compares the potential application of numerous existing treatment techniques and introduces new, emerging technologies.
Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants is suitable for practicing engineers, researchers, water utility managers, and students who seek an excellent introduction and basic knowledge in the principles of environmental bioremediation technologies.