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Alpha 6 By Robert Silverberg

Alpha 6

By Robert Silverberg

  • Release Date: 2022-08-23
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • $3.99


The sixth in a series of superb science fiction.

The Alpha series of anthologies center on no particular theme except that of literary quality and importance to the science fiction genre.

More of the same, the mixture as before--so Silverberg is tempted to describe this sixth _Alpha_ collection. Not unfair phrases, either, for, like its five predecessors, _Alpha Six_ is a volume of science-fiction stories that have no thematic links, that are held together only by their literary excellence and stimulating science-fictional content. As before, _Alpha_ owes no allegiance to any single literary "school" within the faction-ridden science-fiction cosmos: it hews to a solidly middle-of-the-road line, seeking strong narrative drive and avoiding the excesses of the zap-zap ray-gun school on the one hand and the evanescently precious avant-garde on the other. As always, Silverberg's selection of stories represent the best across a four-dimensional slice of science-fiction publishing.