Home / The Future of Indian Politics

The Future of Indian Politics By Annie Besant

The Future of Indian Politics

By Annie Besant

  • Release Date: 2018-06-30
  • Genre: History
  • $109.99


This booklet is intended toofFer to those interested in the fate of India and Great Britain, a pictureshowing the problems that India has to solve in die near future in connection widi self-determination and Self-Government, and in her decision between solitary Independence and Partnership in a Common wealth of Free Nations, under the British Crown. The two last chap tcrs deal with diese; die background, necessary for the understanding and die decision of these two supreme questions, determining the future of both Nations, is painted in widi care, so as to contain the vital facts, and those only, which have led to die parting of the ways, indicated in die problems An Introduction gives A bird’s-eye View of the relations between India and Britain, from their first important contact to the end of the East India Company Rule. Step by Step takes us from the first National Congress to die oudjreak of die War.