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Theosophy By Annie Besant


By Annie Besant

  • Release Date: 2018-06-30
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality
  • $29.99


Besant had found the economic side oflife lacking a spiritual dimension, so shesearched for a belief based on “Love”. Shefound this in Theosophy, so she joinedthe Theosophical Society, a move thatdistanced her from Bradlaugh and otherformer activist co-workers. Her decisionto join the Theosophical Society met astorm of criticism from her formerassociates in London. To explain herchange of view, on August 4 and 11,1889, she delivered a lecture in the Hallof Science on the subject “Why I Becamea Theosophist.”On September 4 of that year, in HPB’s house, she met H. S. Olcott, co-founder of the Theosophical Society and international President. He immediately recognized her value. He wrote in Old Diary Leaves: “At the time of my [first] visit I had the chance to see of what infinite tenderness and unselfish com pass i on M rs Be s ant was capable,”[12] and, “She is the most important gain to us since Sinnett.”