Home / Night of the Squirrels: Dawn of the Interns
There's something very wrong with McWikken Academy. Students disappear. Some come back "different," perhaps with an inability to speak, a metal part, or giant pointy teeth and a hunger for rabbits, if they come back at all. Unidentifiable men in black coats stalk the campus at night. Sometimes they are wearing sunglasses. It's hard to concentrate on getting to the top of the pyramid if you go to art history class in the morning and wake up bleeding on a path by lunch. And who are those interns?
Regan Krieger really wants to know. She wants the one boy who hasn’t made fun of her eye patch back. Before her senior year starts, she will endure broken relationships, forced school spirit, supernatural attacks, and sparkles to get the answers. Unless someone erases her memory first.
The information Regan’s hunting is closer than she thinks. Perhaps there’s sympathy lurking just underneath her window. Someone who has finally gotten a job with room for advancement after years of academic toil, who is now encountering a very long list of things he did not expect to do. An intern, gone rogue, who is just doing his job injecting unaware students with purple stuff, watching them at night, and running through the woods with a tranquilizer gun while waiting for his chance to start resurrecting some extinct species. There’s nothing really wrong with that, right?
Dawn of the Interns is the first in the Night of the Squirrels trilogy.