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Daniel Deronda By George Eliot

Daniel Deronda

By George Eliot

  • Release Date: 2012-10-01
  • Genre: Classics
  • $2.99


Daniel Deronda contains two main strains of plot, united by the title character. The novel begins in mid-story in late August 1865 with the meeting of Daniel Deronda and Gwendolen Harleth in the fictional town of Leubronn, Germany. Daniel finds himself attracted to, but wary of, the beautiful, stubborn, and selfish Gwendolen, whom he sees lose all her winnings in a game of roulette. The next day, Gwendolen receives a letter from her mother telling her that the family is financially ruined and asking her to come home. In despair at losing all her money, Gwendolen pawns a necklace and debates gambling again in order to make her fortune. In a fateful moment, however, her necklace is returned to her by a porter, and she realises that Daniel saw her pawn the necklace and redeemed it for her. From this point, the plot breaks off into two separate flashbacks, one which gives us the history of Gwendolen Harleth and one of Daniel Deronda.
At Cricket House Books we strive to craft an aesthetically pleasing product that complements (rather than distracts) the timelessness of the author’s masterpiece. By paying special attention to formatting, punctuation, and style, we aim to provide the reader with editions of classic books that look much more like a book and less like a webpage or text document. And we hope that our readers, consider that as something of value. Enjoy the read!