Home / Pocket Pregnancy Guide to What to Do When Pregnant, Free Edition
Giving influence over pregnancy & birth back to YOU
You have a lot of influence over your pregnancy, birth, and how your baby develops. When you know what to do when pregnant, you can:
Feel better
Lower your risk of complications
Improve your baby’s health
Understand tests and procedures
Know what questions to ask
Feel more in control and in the know
The Free Edition of the Pocket Pregnancy™ Guide to What to Do When Pregnant can help.
This free, concise introduction to the Pocket Pregnancy™ Health System uses ROADS™ to help you have the healthiest and best pregnancy and birth you can have. The ROADS,™ as described in this free healthy pregnancy booklet, covers what you need to get started with Relaxation, pregnancy and birth Options, prenatal Activity (exercise), prenatal Diet (what to eat when pregnant), and finding the right Support people for the options you have chosen for pregnancy and birth.
Helpful information and tips are included for the following areas:
Positions for relaxing while pregnant
Creating a partner-supported visualization exercise
Deciding what type of birth you want
Choosing comprehensive childbirth class
Tests, procedures, and birth planning
Basic information, risks, and alternatives for common pregnancy and labor tests and procedures
Basic Prenatal Exercises, with photos
Simple nutrition guidelines
Nutrients needing special attention
Prenatal diet suggestions for vegetarians
Things that Dad / labor partner should do
Choosing a birth attendant
Other support people you may want
Feeling better in pregnancy - basic natural prevention and ways to reduce common pregnancy discomforts:
Foot Swelling
Morning Sickness
Stretch Marks and Dry, Itchy Skin
It is your pregnancy, so get informed, take control, and have the best experience you can!