Home / The Single Serving
It’s no secret that finding recipes for a single serving is difficult at best and most frozen meals are for at least two people. What is a single to do? Eat out? No! Eat in, and I don’t mean by eating TV dinners. Making dinner for one is easy once you get the hang of it; it’s all about portion, creativity and an adventurous pallet.
In the following pages I’ve put together the most useful things I have learned in the last decade about cooking successfully for one. What you’re going to see are tips and tricks I use to make delicious dinners in minimal time with as simple a procedure as possible. The recipes included are fun and simple. I like to cook, but I like to eat more and the most enjoyable part for me is to make up my own recipes. I’m going to show you how to do it and soon you’ll be creating your own culinary masterpieces and you can be done with fast food, once and for all.
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