Home / The Hindu Yogi Science of Breath
Master of modern occultism, Lon Milo DuQuette, (author of Enochian Vision Magick and The Magick of Aleister Crowley) introduces the newest Weiser Books Collection – The Magical Antiquarian Curiosity Shoppe. Culled from material long unavailable to the general public, DuQuette curates this essential new digital library with the eye of a scholar and the insight of an initiate.
"It's as natural as breathing." How many times have we heard that? The irony is that the way most of us breath is far from natural. In fact, our unnatural and labored breathing habits are often the source of other physical and mental unpleasantness. Over and above the health benefits that proper breathing practices can bring our lives, it can also be the key to magical powers and mystical ecstacies. Yogi Ramacharaka teaches the HIndu Yogi technique of breath.