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Harold By Edward Bulwer-Lytton


By Edward Bulwer-Lytton

  • Release Date: 1873-01-01
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Free


The sun had just cast his last beams over the breadth of water into which Conway, or rather Cyn-wy, "the great river", emerges its winding waves. Not at that time existed the matchless castle, which is now the monument of Edward Plantagenet, and the boast of Wales. But besides all the beauty the spot took from nature, it had even some claim from ancient art. All these remains of a power and a pomp that Rome in vain had bequeathed to the Briton, were full of pathetic and solemn interest, when blent with the thought, that on yonder steep, the brave prince of a race of heroes, whose line transcended, by ages, all the other royalties of the North, awaited, amidst the ruins of man, and in the stronghold which nature yet gave, the hour of his doom.