Home / Visions of Jesus and the Saints: The Mystic Knowledge Series
VISIONS OF JESUS AND THE SAINTS (OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL): In Visions of Jesus and the Saints, the author takes you into the innumerable out-of-body experiences she's had with not only the Christain saints, but those of other faiths. Sometimes, these fascinating journeys include many from various traditions at the same time introducing the Royal Lineage of God. In Visions of Jesus and the Saints, the reader will find themselves traversing an inner landscape filled with the excellence which God has placed within the saints of every religion. The Mystic Knowledge Series is a group of compilations of the Mystic and Out-of-Body Travel Works of Marilynn Hughes on various subjects of scholarship so you may have at your fingertips all the Out-of-Body Travel Instructions on a particular area of study. We hope this series helps those who are interested in a special area of study to read all the recorded mystical and out-of-body travel experiences that the author had on each subject.