Home / Everyman

Everyman By Anonymous


By Anonymous

  • Release Date: 1485-01-10
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
  • Free
Score: 4.5
From 11 Ratings


Everyman, Anonymous. Revised version of http://ota.ox.ac.uk/id/1679 . Everyman Anonymous Manchester edition drawn from first printed edition by Iohan Skot. edt (Editor) Cawley, A. C. Manchester Manchester University Press 1961 University of Oxford Text Archive Oxford University of Oxford Text Archive Oxford University Computing Services 13 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 6NN ota@oucs.ox.ac.uk Prepared by Ian Lancashire.


  • Good version

    By Alejobulala
    This looks good to me. I'm not sure if the person that said it had a lot of spelling errors is serious or not... It's Old/Middle English. Those aren't spelling errors just original spelling conventions. I hope they were joking.
  • Awful

    By Kaennis25
    This contains many misspellings.
  • Very good!

    By NavajoMX
    This is the first text like this I've ever read. It's surprisingly easy to read, especially if you whisper it out loud to yourself. The rhymes are well done, there is a pretty simple vocabulary, it has a good rhythm/energy to it, and it's even funny at times. Plus, it's not long at all, I read it in less than half a day. It's wonderful it's free, too!