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  • I gave up

    By Leslieleo
    There are a few interesting paragraphs, but most are like reading somebody's diary, and to boot, someone you have no relationship with or care about what happens to them.
  • Fun read

    By Hapeakitti
    Great read for a cool, rainy day. It took me back to the month I spent in Paris some years ago and made me yearn to go back. I enjoyed the brief, descriptive entries which captured the essence of her experience or the feeling evoked by an observation. Light hearted and enjoyable.
  • Short Vignettes

    By channiep
    Loved the format of the short vignettes, written Facebook/Tweet style, and woven together to tell a delightful story of a writer and her family living in Paris for a family year abroad.
  • Like a mini vacation!

    By Andy chase
    This book is so wonderful! It took me immediately back to my recent trip to Paris- and left me wanting more!
  • A bonbon of a book

    By Ms. Guam
    Reading this book has been a treat! Written as short snippets and slightly longer anecdotes from time to time, the book ranges from humorous to thoughtful to poetic and back again. It's the perfect bedtime read when you want to drift off to sleep with a smile on your face.