Home / The Birth of Flight: A History of the Wright Brothers

The Birth of Flight: A History of the Wright Brothers By Don Harris

The Birth of Flight: A History of the Wright Brothers

By Don Harris

  • Release Date: 2011-06-27
  • Genre: Reference
  • $2.99
Score: 4
From 21 Ratings


Orville and Wilbur Wright are two Americans credited with designing and constructing the world’s first successful airplane, as well as making the first controlled, motor-powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight. While their first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1912 was short (only 12 seconds) their impact on history would be long-lasting. Their breakthrough was not flight itself but control of flight. That control allowed for flight for mankind, and what they received a patent for (three-axis control, or left-right, forward-back and up-down) has become the standard on all fixed-wing aircrafts. Their inquisitive minds led them to build their own wind tunnel, which allowed them to study such sciences as lift and wind currents.

Despite their breakthrough, they did not enjoy the revelry that may be expected from their monumental invention. They faced skepticism in Europe, problems with their patent and lawsuits. Their business ventures faced issues, and the friendships that the brothers had forged with others in the industry suffered. Even today, their status as inventors of the airplane has come under scrutiny, being subject to counter-claims by various parties. While questions may persist as to who invented what first, the contribution of the Wright brothers to the field of aviation cannot be understated. It was after their invention (and their various demonstrations of it) that the aviation field truly got off the ground.

Author Don Harris, gives the reader a brief introduction to the brothers who gave birth to flight in this eBook.


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