Home / A Doll's House and Other Plays
"A Doll's House and Other Plays" is a collection of eight of the most popular dramas by Henrik Ibsen. In "A Doll's House" we have the story of Nora Helmer, the wife of the prideful bank manager Torvald. Nora finds herself the victim of a blackmail scheme by Nils Krogstad, a man whom she has borrowed money from in order to save her husband's life. Probably Ibsen's most famous work, "A Doll's House" is accompanied by the following and equally dramatic works: "The League of Youth", "Ghosts", "An Enemy of the People", "The Wild Duck", "The Lady From the Sea", "Hedda Gabler", and "The Master Builder". In this volume fans of Ibsen and the dramatic theater will find a representative selection from one of the greatest dramatists to ever have lived.
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