Home / Selected Poems by Voltaire
Table of Contents:
Azolan Translated by William F. Fleming
From Love to Friendship
Translated by William F. Fleming
In Camp Before Philippsburg, July 3, 1734
Translated by William F. Fleming
On the Death of Adrienne Lecouvreur
Translated by William F. Fleming
The Origin of Trades Translated by William
F. Fleming
The Padlock Translated by William F. Fleming
Poem on the
Lisbon Disaster Translated by Joseph McCabe, Watts and Co.
Thelema and
Macareus Translated by William F. Fleming
To Her Royal Highness, the
Princess of *** Translated by William F. Fleming
To a Lady Very Well Known
to the Whole Town Translated by William F. Fleming
To the Queen of Hungary
Translated by William F. Fleming
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