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"O.P. Pym, the colossal Pym, that vast and rolling figure, who never knew
what he was to write about until he dipped grandly, an author in such demand
that on the foggy evening which starts our story his publishers have had his
boots removed lest he slip thoughtlessly round the corner before his work is
done, as was the great man's way -- shall we begin with him, or with Tommy, who
has just arrived in London, carrying his little box and leading a lady by the
hand? It was Pym, as we are about to see, who in the beginning held Tommy up to
the public gaze, Pym who first noticed his remarkable indifference to female
society, Pym who gave him -- -- But alack! does no one remember Pym for himself?
Is the king of the Penny Number already no more than a button that once upon a
time kept Tommy's person together? And we are at the night when they first met!
Let us hasten into Marylebone before little Tommy arrives and Pym is swallowed
like an oyster."
- Excerpted from "Tommy and Grizel"