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The Border Rifles By Gustave Aimard

The Border Rifles

By Gustave Aimard

  • Release Date: 2022-02-25
  • Genre: U.S. History
  • $1.99


'The Border Rifles' is an intriguing novel on the Texas Revolution (1835-1836) by GustaveAimard. The Texas Revolution was a rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos (Hispanic Texans) in putting up armed resistance to the centralist government of Mexico.
"The immense virgin forests which once covered the soil of North America are more and more disappearing before the busy axes of the squatters and pioneers, whose insatiable activity removes the desert frontier further and further to the west.Flourishing towns, well tilled and carefully-sown fields, now occupy regions where, scarce ten years ago, rose impenetrable forests, whose dense foliage hardly allowed the sunbeams to penetrate, and whose unexplored depths sheltered animals of every description, and served as a retreat for hordes of nomadic Indians, who, in their martial ardour, frequently caused these majestic domes of verdure to re-echo with their war-yell."