Home / Warriors Super Edition: Onestar's Confession

Warriors Super Edition: Onestar's Confession By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Onestar's Confession

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2022-09-06
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $11.99
Score: 4
From 22 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

In this Super Edition, follow the journey of WindClan’s Onestar, destined to lead his Clan through battle, hardship, and the long journey to the lake territories—and pay the price of the checkered legacy he left behind.

As a young WindClan warrior, Onewhisker never thought he would one day become Clan leader. But when he is unexpectedly chosen by Tallstar as his successor, Onestar must learn to guide his Clanmates through the hardships of forging a new life in unknown territory—and face the deadly consequences of a mistake he tried to bury in the past.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and the thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

Onestar’s Confession also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!


  • Collab What happened?

    By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
    My character BubbleSong Rank: Med cat Gender: She cat Color: blueish grey with white spots. Her eyes are amber. Personality: Shy and sassy. Her mood also changes easily. Important stuff: she has a connection with starclan because when she was a kit she hit her head so hard her skull cracked. Ever since then, when she sleeps, she visits starclan. Clan: Skycaln Them starting as apprentices is amazing Here is SkyClan Leader: LeafStar- A gray Tom with a white dot on his nose. He has Amber eyes Deputy: StoneHeart- A white she-cat with gray stripes and blue eyes. Warriors: PoppySong- A tan she cat with black and white splotches. She has Green eyes. MoonEye- A black Tom with white spots over his eyes. Yellow eyes. WillowBranch- A white she-cat with an orange face. has Amber eyes. FireEgg- A tabby Tom with green eyes. RiverFoot- A bluish grey she cat with green eyes. BubbleSong’s mother. WhiteSpot- A black Tom with white spots and Amber eyes. BubbleSong’s father. BlackEye- A white she-cat with a black spot on her left eye. Brown eyes. YellowTail- A gold Tom with blue eyes. Apprentices: LightPaw- A gray she-cat with white paws. Mentor is BlackEye. She has brown eyes. NightPaw- A black Tom with white stripes and blue eyes. Mentor: PoppySong. RedPaw: A white She-cat with a red tail and green eyes. Mentor: RiverFoot Queens/Kits: HawkEar- A brown she cat with brown eyes. Mate: StoneHeart Kits: GreyKit- A brown she-kit with gray stripes and brown eyes. BrownKit- A gray Tom with brown stripes and eyes. Med-Cats: SandPool- A tan Tom with black paws and blue eyes. BubblePaw- see BubbleSong Elders: MouseHair- A light brown Tom with a white chin and brown eyes. CrackTail- A tan she-cat with brown color points, a chinked tail, and green eyes. Should one of us do Starclan, cause that might be necessary. Maybe we could all do starclan for our clan. - SunFire of MagicClan - Airkit of Riverclan - Donaria - Sunset of the Skywings
  • The collab fanfic: planning

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Who’s next? Tigress? You post your chapter after Tigress’s chapter, Rose! Tigress: hehe yeah I know what you mean about reading tons of books 😅 I can read like five three hundred page books in a week if I get the bug Dove: it is creepy. I wish everyone would come back or some new people would join. Since I came back I’ve been trying to be more active on the WoF AU but it’s hard when you’re the only one… I finally remembered to add my allegiances for RiverClan lol 😅 it’s at the bottom Tigress: I like idea C the best! But I think that’s just cuz I like murder as much as you lol (I don’t mean that in a bad way) and how’d you like Harry Potter? -----------------• Working on this project are: Sunsetsplash Silverflame of SunClan SunFire / Airkit Tigress Rosequartez Hollyfrost -----------------• Character List: Silverflame's POV: Sunsetfeather of ShadowClan Tigress's POV: Madison/Mousepaw/Umber Sunsetsplash's POV: Mallowwhisker of RiverClan RoseQuartez's POV: Faintfeather of WindClan Airkit's POV: Bubblesong of SkyClan ______________________ The prophecy: When the moon is high, two cats from five will gather when it's coldest, and a feather from one is all it takes for the birds to die. ______________________ The plot: RiverClan's new leader dies mysteriously on their way to the Moonstone/pool, and when their clan finds the body surrounded by death berries, they all assume that the new leader ate them and killed themself. But Mallowwhisker knows it's not true, and he sets out to discover the truth about the death of his friend. Meanwhile, leaf-bare is setting in, and scarce prey and increasing tension cause the five clans to close their borders on one another. Faintfeather suddenly recalls a prophecy that she received as a kit, and realises that it's coming to fruition. She gathers five cats from the other clans — one from each — to save the clans. CHAPTER LIST ~ Chapter one: Fire and Ice Chapter two: Forest of Secrets Chapter three: Rising Storm Chapter four: A Dangerous Path Chapter five: The Darkest Hour Chapter six: Midnight Chapter seven: Moonrise And RiverClan allegiances! Leader: Dawnstar - large silver tabby she-cat with piercing blue eyes and a bushy tail; has had no kits in her life, her parents are dead, and is the only kit from their litter Deputy: Mothflutter - white she-cat with silver paws and a black moth shaped splotch on her nose; an only daughter of Troutnose and the late queen Flowerthorn Medicine cat: Bumbleberry - young cinnamon she-cat with chocolate stripes, cream paws, and yellow eyes; had a crush on Mallowpaw when they were very young, but she pushes it away for her duty, is Salmonear and Rivermuzzle’s sister • warriors • Specklefur - black and white she-cat with lots of little speckles and mismatched amber and blue eyes; parents are deceased Troutnose - grey tom with opal colored eyes Flickerclaw - mottled orange tom with green eyes Tigerfish - large brown tabby tom with huge paws and dark stripes Dovesplash - light grey she-cat with long, soft fur and white paws Apprentice: Rosepaw Dewleap - blue-grey she-cat with purple-hued eyes Shimmerfur - black she-cat with fur that sparkles in the sun and amber eyes Minnowtail - silver tabby she-cat with pale grey eyes Apprentice: Mallowpaw Grayheart - white she-cat with a large dove-grey, heart-shaped marking on her chest; Frostpool’s sister Frostpool - white and silver tabby she-cat; Grayheart’s sister Salmonear - black tom with a peach-orange ear and paws; son of Tigerfish and Dappledlily, and Rivermuzzle and Bumbleberry’s brother Rivermuzzle - blue tom with green eyes; son of Tigerfish and Dappledlily, and Salmonear and Bumbleberry’s brother • apprentices • Rosepaw - dark cream she-cat with dark grey stripes and ivy-green eyes; Dovesplash and Troutnose’s only kit, is Mothflutter’s half sister Mallowpaw - ( I can’t remember what his description so if anybody has it written down can you post it please?!) • queens • Dappledlily - calico she-cat with a bushy tail and pretty blue-to-silver ombré eyes; mother to Tigerfish’s kits, Foxkit (red tabby tomkit with a bushy tail) and Hazelkit (brown tabby tom) Beechcloud - grayish brown she-cat with slightly darker stripes and very pale paws, underbelly and muzzle; mother to Salmonear’s kits, Lightkit (white she-kit), Nightkit (black she-kit), and Ashkit (grayish brown tabby tom); the last kit Reedflower had, right before she retired to the elder’s den • elders • Reedflower - very old grey she-cat with wiry fur and blind blue eyes Pheasantfur - red and brown tom with cream paws and underbelly with green eyes Shadowtail - orange tom with a pure black tail - Sunsetsplash
  • It’s a very good book

    By its your boi jose
    Tells us the oppression OneStar was faced with before he became leader his struggles and perseverance
  • ♡⭑Collaboration⭑♡

    By Dove's Wing
    Who’s after me? I’ve been waiting for weeks for them to post their chapter but they haven’t yet. I’m pretty sure it’s Bubblesong Where is everyone? I mean I knew the AU was literally dead but this is a little creepy. No one’s reviewed anywhere on Warriors or WoF in awhile. My chapter’s in Moonrise! Sunset: Ok great! Can everyone resubmit their chapters so they’re more recent? Especially the prologue. It’s way back there. Thank you! Sunsetfeather Description: really pretty tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes Clan: ShadowClan Mate: Mallowwhisker Rank: Queen ShadowClan Leader: Halfstar-calico and white tom with green eyes Deputy: Coldheart-bright white tom with chilling ice-blue eyes, said to be cruel and vicious (is actually a big softie) Apprentice, Fernpaw (calico she-cat) Medicine Cat: Blueshadow-very dark blue-gray she-cat with pale amber eyes Warriors Pinefeather-dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice, Sunsetpaw (really pretty tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes) Windgaze-black-and-white tom, crush on Pinefeather Thrushflight-dusky gray tom Apprentice, Cedarpaw (dark fawn-colored she-cat) Myrtleclaw-pale brown she-cat Cloudfern-speckled gray-and-white she-cat Littlemask-tabby tom with a small brown mask-like patch of fur around eyes Apprentice, Nettlepaw (dusky tortoiseshell and gray tom) Flytail-brown tabby tom with yellow eyes Apprentice, Amberpaw (tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes and white paws Darkfeather-dark gray tom with black tabby stripes Apprentice, Stumpypaw (dark brown tom with a crooked tail and amber eyes) Kinktail-tabby she-cat with a broken tail Queens Tinyflower-small tortoiseshell she-cat, Thrushflight’s mate Deerspeckle-fawn-colored she-cat with white speckles, Halfstar’s mate Elders Bumblenose-chatty black tom Flowerpetal-old tortoiseshell she-cat, Tinyflower’s mother Thymeheart-blind gray she-cat (This part is mostly for me) Deerspeckle is Sunsetpaw, Cedarpaw, Amberpaw and Stumpypaw’s mother. Tinyflower kitted Nettlepaw and Fernpaw. Yeah Sunsetfeather now has three littermates. Amberpaw and Fernpaw are Sunsetfeather’s BFFLs. Cedarpaw is a friend too. Crush on Nettlepaw but later crushes on Mallowwhisker (drama WILL happen just a forewarning). Ambereyes, Cedarflower, Nettlefang, Stumpytail and Fernwing are their future names. That’s all
  • Collaboration

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Who the heck is FaintFeather? I already have my next chapter ready lol, there’s some murder in it. Heh. I know I haven’t been on the AU a lot but, I won’t ever fully leave. I might be gone for bits of time but that’s just bc I’ve gotten really busy, not to mention the fact that I have more friends now. And I went to a woman’s conference not too long ago so I’ve been pretty busy. I’m gonna EVENTUALLY rewrite my first chapter for the collab. Idk when, but it’ll be done when it’s done. Oh and I’ve also been reading a lot. Like every week I go to the library and get between 6 to 13 books. Anyway—this has been really random, but I think that the collab story will be the last warriors story I write. I won’t leave the AU tho, I’ll still be here but like not be here if that makes sense. I’m just not as obsessed with warriors as I used to be. This actually started once I read Keeper of the Lost Cities…… so it’s been a while. Plus I actually haven’t read Sky or Shadow yet (I’ll be reading it soon tho) so that’s another thing. Anyway, I’m gonna go before I end up typing a ton more random stuff. Lol. MuRdErRrR —————————————————————— Sup…. I just finished reading Harry Potter.. anyway, about the tom who kills FaintFeather, I have some ideas…. Idea A: he is my characters father but my character doesn’t know he’s her father till later on. Idea B: He’s a cat that works with my character who may later get killed by my character. And, Idea C: He is my characters twin brother who is almost as evil as her, and may end up getting murdered by my character. I honestly don’t care which one of these is used. I can’t decide. Lol after looking back at this, I realized it may seem like I like murder. 🫠 —————————————————————— Sunset: sure you can draw her. And maybe when Pinterest finally lets me make an account you can send it to me. What the heck is wrong with Apple Books. It literally took this book off the app, and now it’s back??? ——————————————————— Just so you all know, MousePaw isn’t the evil mastermind, it’s someone else……. ——————————————————— I’ve wrote my chapter. MousePaw is a little spicy cat burrito. She is in makings of evil, if that makes sense. ——————————————————— Name: Madison/MousePaw/Umber (heh) Description: marbled black and dark brown she-cat with scattered flashes of white that kinda look like clouds, faint black/silver tabby stripes, one misty green blue eye and one darkish amber eye, and a wispy white tail tip and tips of her ears. Clan: Kittypet/ThunderClan/Rouge Rank: will be a ThunderClan apprentice for a bit Age: 8 moons old ——————————————————— THUNDER CLAN LEADER: FoxStar-dark ginger she-cat with turquoise eyes, four white paws, and a white belly, muzzle, and snout, her right ear is torn DEPUTY: CreekClaw-White calico tom with sparkly fur, dark blue eyes, long claws, and pale gray marking by his eyes APPRENTICE: MousePaw MEDICINE CAT: SnakeBite-ashy gray tom with thin black stripes and dark blue eyes APPRENTICE: MoonPaw WARRIORS: FernTail-ginger-ish gray tom with dark green eyes, and a long feathery tail APPRENTICE: BlazePaw DustyRose-small tan she-cat with dark brown freckles under her eyes, she has a shorter tail than most cats, her ears are folded and her eyes are reddish pink MudSkip-mottled tan and brown tom with dark brown speckles, dark amber eyes, missing his front left paw SplashStorm-grayish blue she-cat with pale gray splotches, somewhat sparkly fur, and pale blue eyes, she is half blind APPRENTICE: BlossomPaw RedSpeck-white tom with red speckles (on his legs) so dark it looks like blood, his claws are long, yellow eyes APPRENTICE: CloudPaw AcornWisp-chestnut tom with wispy white markings, gray eyes, and amber stripes ShadeTail-black tom with thin gray streaks, almost black, blue eyes, and a short stubby tail APPRENTICE: SquirrelPaw APPRENTICES: MousePaw-marbled black and dark brown she-cat with scattered flashes of white that kinda look like clouds, faint black/silver tabby stripes, one misty green blue eye and one darkish amber eye, and a wispy white tail tip and tips of her ears MoonPaw-white tom with one turquoise eye, one almost black, blue eye, he has silver paws, a silver tail tip, and a silver right ear BlazePaw-dark ginger tom with gray and black stripes, dark turquoise eyes BlossomPaw-ginger she-cat with black tabby markings, bluish turquoise eyes, and a white tail tip CloudPaw-fluffy white and gray calico tom with yellow eyes, a black tail tip, and faint gold specks in his eyes SquirrelPaw-black and white she-cat with dark blue eyes, a very fluffy, long tail, and ginger tabby markings QUEENS AND KITS: DarkDawn-black she-cat with yellow eyes, ginger tabby markings, and faint gray streaks (3 moons pregnant) SunPetal-yellow she-cat with pale green eyes, soft ginger speckles, and a slightly dark underbelly (7 moons pregnant) SkyFlower-blue gray and dark brown she-cat with black splashes, pale purple eyes (mother to; QuartzKit-white tom with hint of red and dark brown, yellow eyes, and JayKit-blue gray she-kit with pale purple eyes, red ear tips, and her front right paw is red) ELDERS: RabbitClaw-tan tom with folded ears, reddish eyes, and a fluffy white tail HawkBlossom-dark brown she-cat with dark amber eyes, faint white freckles under her eyes BlueBeam-white and blue marbled she-cat with pale purple eyes, blind, one black ear ——————————————————— -Tigress
  • Sunsetsplash

    By Book Lover 🐛
    May I join the Collab? 😍😱 I could write StarClan chapters or something Sunset: That would work! ^^ ~alliecat ~hollyfrost ~dewfoot
  • Hello

    By suuuuuprg
    One star, I think it’s 3.9 o clock I think. Hmmm I guess maybe, I hope so.