Home / Dye Biodegradation, Mechanisms and Techniques
An enormous amount of synthetic dyes is used annually in the textile, leather, plastics, paper, and dye industries due to their coloring properties. Although dyes give color to materials, they are prone to increase the level of pollution in the environment. The colored wastewater produced in industrial sectors is released into water bodies, posing threats to the ecosystem. To reduce the adverse effects of dyes in the environment, it is necessary to implement feasible and cost-effective strategies. '"Dye Biodegradation Mechanisms and Techniques - Recent Advances'' provides fundamental principles and pathways of bio-based mechanisms in dye removal. This edition firstly discusses dye classification and pollution, then concentrates on the application of fungi, mesophilic bacteria, microflora, and enzymes in dye degradation. This book also highlights the performance of sequential batch reactor systems, moving bed biofilm reactors, and hybrid bioreactors for dye biodegradation