I loved this book!
By dragonleader1234
Honestly I think the only thing I didn’t like is that (Some spoilers idk if u haven’t read the first of Warriors idk) Nightpelt is so nice and caring in this and if you’ve read the first series Nightstar is just kinda annoying to me like he’s super rude…anyways, everything else is awesome!
-Feathermist of RiverClan (Warriors)
-Venom the RainWing or Axolotl the mud/sea hybrid (WoF)
I read the sample…
By 11hearts8
I’m gonna murder the leader! How dare you kick the old people out because they’re “useless,” or whatever! They deserve to be there! Also, I have the best impression of whatever the black male one’s name is.
: /
By Itz_butterz
Yeah, I agree with KatexTiger. All I have to say was that was made in 2022, so it was a while back.
To eurotyop
By KatexTiger
that is quite rude !! people work hard on these and their just trying to express themselves !! :(
My Brand New OC!
Here is my brand new oc!
Name: Amberheart.
Sex: Female.
Mate: Duskfeather.
Kits: Moonkit, Lightkit, & Breezekit, reached halfway point of pregnancy.
Clan: Amuletclan.
Leader: Torrentstar.
That’s all for today!
(P.s., I might write a story about her kits, so keep on the lookout for a story series called Amberheart's Destiny!)
Dawn of fireclan part 2
By Corporal Zil
The cat slashed Goldleaf’s face, blood spurted from the wound. Goldleaf yowled in pain. She scratched the Toms belly, and he fell to the ground howling. Goldleaf dug her claws into the cats pelt.
“Orrrwww… STOP.. GETOFFORRWWW…” He howled.
“Who are you?, tell me!” She hissed, digging deeper, into his skin.
Blood began to pour.
“FINEFINEJUSTSTOP!!” He screeched.
Goldleaf ceased.
The cat sat up panting, blood dripped from his pelt, and belly.
“I’m Clayfur, and I do not appreciate being attacked by a sniveling little Thunderclan cat like you!” He spat.
“Well, I wouldn’t have attacked you if you hadn’t attacked me first” she growled
He Hissed.
“W-what?” Goldleaf muttered .
She had ran so fast she hadn’t even thought of where she was going.
“I was running from my clan, I’m so sorry..” she said quickly.
“Why? You an outlaw or something?” Said Clayfur licking his bleeding pelt.
“My clan doesn’t accept traitors , mostly former kittypets or rouges” Goldleaf said staring at her wounded paw which was now bleeding again.
“Whoa, that’s harsh” Clayfur said looking worried.
“Our new leader hates those who don’t have “clan blood”, I used to be a rouge before I was welcomed into Thunderclan.”
Goldleaf muttered looking at the ground.
She felt guilt for running away but, where would she have gone? She wasn’t accepted in other clans, and she would be killed if she came back to Thunderclan.
Clayfur had a look of pity on his face, and was now ignoring his bleeding wounds.
“Would you like to come stay with us?” He asked.
“Really? Your clan would allow that?”
Goldleaf said happily.
“Nah, I lied, I’m not in riverclan. I’m a loner. Just like you.” He said licking his wounds once more.
“So where do you live?” Goldleaf asked
Before Thunderclan she had lived in the rouge barn, But she had never seen him there before, and the barn was much to far away from riverclan Territory at all.
Clayfur smirked, and stretched, yawning.
“I got a place.” He said getting up.
“Follow me”
He lead Goldleaf Through the forest.
She heard cats yowling through a thicket overhead. “There must be a fight in Riverclan” she said, wincing at the howls of pain that echoed through the forest.
“Yeah, those cats are all fighting nowadays. The warrior code basically doesn’t matter anymore, not that I need it anyway” Clayfur muttered with a shrug.
Goldleaf followed Clayfur through the forest, and to a small stream that stopped at a big wall of stone with a small crack where water flowed through.
“Here we are.” said Clayfur coming to a halt.
“I don’t understand, do you live by this big pile of rocks?” Goldleaf muttered.
“Nope, follow me.” Clayfur said climbing the rocks.
Goldleaf and Clayfur trotted up the rocks.
“Wow” Goldleaf whispered under her breath. On the other side of the stone was a lush green forest, with a wide cave, a Crystal clear stream, and a high rock lodged above a large tree stump.
“You live here all by yourself?” Goldleaf asked.
“Me, and one other cat” Clayfur said smiling.
A cat with silky brown fur emerged from the cave.
“Clay! Your back!” She shouted.
“And I brought a friend “
He said grinning.
Goldleaf smiled shyly.
She new she would have a great new home.
To be continued…
Note: sorry for the delay, I know it was a several months delay but.. I kinda forgot about it! Next one coming soon!
Starfinder ~✨
Oc Time! (MAIN)
By LennynTheBookReader
Mate:None (He prefers his duty’s over love)
Kits:Morrow’Paw (killed by a King Cobra)
Clan:Oasis’Clan (in the desert)
Litter Mates:Wilted’Primrose
Pelt:orange to cream fade on legs
Sunsetsplash's Destiny! The Beginning of the End! Part 1
By 👾👾👾1532
Sunsetsplash was running through a dark forest. Horror and panic rose in her throat like bile, and her paws skidded across the slimy forest floor. Tall, twisted and dark trees loomed over her head, and a damp musty scent of fungus filled her nose.
But the smell of dogs and blood was stronger.
Sunsetsplash ran, the snarling and barking of her pursuers filing her ears, until her front paws felt only air. " No!" She was falling over the edge of a cliff! Her hind paws scrabbled at the loose rock at the edge, warm breath on her tail, fur brushed up in panic, eyes tightly shut. " StarClan save me!" She slipped, falling down,
The sounds of screeching woke her up from her nightmare. She forced herself awake and found herself in her nest, moss flung everywhere; she must have been thrashing in her nest. Eyes reflected in the gloom, wide-eyed with terror. " What's going o—"
" ThunderClan, attack!"
Like a torrent of water, ThunderClan cats surged from their dens to face their attackers, and Sunsetsplash unsheathed her claws and recoiled in horror.
Many cats were standing at the gorse tunnel. It was clear which cat came from which clan. ShadowClan cats, lithe and scrawny and sinister, held branches in their mouths, tipped with fire, blazing red and orange. WindClan cats were crouched by all means of escape, snarling and hisses, tails lashing. RiverClan cats were the main warriors, pelts prickling and eyes flashing. At the front of the crowd — in front of the army — was Dark Shadow, his eyes furious slits. " EclipseClan, attack!"
The ThunderClan camp erupted in a raging battle of screeching, clawing cats. Sunsetsplash hurled herself at a grey WindClan tom and clawed fiercely at his shoulders. With a howl he lurched, flinging Sunsetsplash to the ground, and tore at her belly. Sunsetsplash cried with pain, black at the edges of her vision, before a cat pulled off the tom. " Figured you needed some help there, Sunset." Cherrybud panted, rearing up to claw at the WindClan cat's face. " Thanks," Sunsetsplash said.
Together, the two she-cats fought side by side, fighting off cat after cat, until a loud howl of pain echoed throughout the clearing. Swallowstream was fighting with three cats at once. A RiverClan she-cat with grey fur had her claws in the fur on the old tabby's shoulders, immobilizing him as two ShadowClan toms took turns lashing out at Swallowstream. Sunsetsplash's bounded over, Cherrybud at her tail. Something heavy crashed into her side and she fell, screeching, onto her side. Deadeye's face was near her muzzle, and her good eye was glimmering with malice.
" I've got you now, you mange-fur, and I'll succeed where Dark Shadow failed!" Her claws curled into Sunsetsplash's neck, and sharp flares of panic ripped through her. How could she escape?
Sunsetsplash lashed out, scoring her claws across Deadeye's scarred face. The she-cat howled with pain and fury, blinded momentarily by blood. When Deadeye returned to her attacker, panting, she paused. The ThunderClan warrior was gone.
Sunsetsplash tore through the crowd and pulled off a black tom from Swallowstream, clumps of fur coming off and drifting to the floor. Flinging him away, Sunsetsplash almost choked. Swallowstream was dead, blood pouring from a wound in his belly. The other cats watched him bleed, then they fled. Sunsetsplash felt dizzy for a moment, then she shook it away, scanning for her next target.
Dark Shadow was battling with Sharpstar, the tortoiseshell tom's strikes smooth and confident; he had been practicing for this moment. Dark Shadow sliced his claws over Sharpstar's throat and the ThunderClan leader fell to the ground, convulsing.
He was losing a life.
- Sunsetsplash
Idk what to put as the title :>
By Mon86
I haven’t read it yet but I know it’s gonna be a good book 🤩
I LOVE THIS suuuuuprg: -_-
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
😻 Now to reveal something…………….
It isn’t because of you guys or anything else. I just am not sleeping enough because of this so starting as soon as I can make myself, I’m going to take a break.
- Airkit of Riverclan
Sunset of the Skywings