Home / I'm Zion
A simple picture book that encourages children to use their imagination. What do you enjoy? What do you like to pretend to be? Zion likes to imagine that he is a lion. Zion likes to think about all the things he has to do and that he could do like a lion. Have simple fun with your child and use inference to ask what do you think that Zion is thinking about? What do you think about it? How can you encourage roleplay with your child? You could roleplay being different animals. You could start by being a lion. You could think about how they sound and encourage your child to inmate your and sounds. You could think about how they move and you could try different movements? You could ask your child why do lions creep or drink or why is it important to drink water? There are endless possibilities for simple discussions with your child. The simple refrains are predictable, easy to remember and your child will be joining in and repeating the simple lines in no time.