Home / Warriors Super Edition: Leopardstar's Honor

Warriors Super Edition: Leopardstar's Honor By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Leopardstar's Honor

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2021-09-07
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 76 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! Also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors comic.

In this Super Edition, devoted RiverClan warrior Leopardfur discovers just how far she will go to protect her Clan.

Since her kithood, Leopardfur has known that she would one day save RiverClan from destruction. The ambitious ThunderClan deputy Tigerclaw believes he can help her fulfill her destiny, but as Leopardstar rises to follow in Crookedstar’s paw steps, she must decide what kind of leader she will be—one who maintains the peace among the Clans, or one who is willing to sacrifice anything for the good of her own.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry, set before and during the events of The Prophecies Begin, is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.


  • I caught some mistakes…

    By Dovewing_lover
    First of all.. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ABOUT WHITESTORM BEING A KIT AND A WARRIOR also 2 PATCHPELTS!! This was only I. The allengences (pls don’t kill me abt my spelling) But other than that, this book was chefs kiss
  • Chapter ten of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Siren: Not me, but it does look pretty cool, even for someone who hasn’t played any FNAF games (yet!) One day, though, one day… 😂 Shadowclan cats poured from the trees like water, and they were quickly surrounded by hissing, snarling cats. Sunsetpaw gasped as a large tom knocked her backwards and pinned her to the ground. She thrashed and thrust her hind paws into his belly, sending him flying. The black tom crumpled onto the ground, bared his teeth in a hiss and sprang. Sunsetpaw panicked and slashed her claws across his face. Blood spurted onto the white fur on her paws as the tom screeched and fell back. Sunsetpaw glanced around and saw Doefeather wrestling with three Shadowclan warriors. She raked a brown tabby tom's flanks with her claws, but there was a tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat clinging onto her back and another tom with his teeth in her tail. Sunsetpaw bounded over and launched herself onto the she-cat and, struggling and heaving, managed to pull her off Doefeather. The she-cat shrieked in pain as Sunsetpaw dug her claws into her downy pelt. She tried to pull away from her grip, but she held on. Doefeather let the tabby escape and whipped around to rake her claws across the white-and-grey tom's muzzle. Sunsetpaw nipped the she-cat's flank and she ran away howling into the trees, the two toms right behind her. Doefeather blinked gratefully, but her blue eyes widened. " Sunsetpaw! Watch out!" Sunsetpaw turned around too late. She felt something heavy hit against the side of her head, and bright white stars popped into her head as she crumpled. She smelled Thunderclan scent and glimpsed shiny black fur before sinking into a darkness as black as the pelt before her eyes... Sunsetpaw blinked open her eyes. She was curled up in a nest, filled with soft moss and feathers. A white face was gazing at her calmly, and a smaller black cat stood at her side. She was in the medicine den! What happened with the battle? Did they win? Sunsetpaw shot up and instantly regretted it; the den swam in her vision and she gasped with shock. She heard a purr and forced her eyes to focus on its source. " Calm down, Sunsetpaw. You've taken a pretty nasty blow to the head." Whiteleaf meowed warmly. She padded over and licked her in between the ears. " You need rest. Fernpaw," She had turned to her apprentice. " Get a poppy seed. She needs rest, and she won't do so willingly." Sunsetpaw watched Fernpaw disappear into the back of the den, and re-emerge with a poppy seed. " Here, lick this. It'll put you to sleep." Fernpaw meowed, nudging the little black seed. Sunsetpaw lapped it up obediently. " What about the battle?" She asked, her eyelids drooping. The two cats purred. " Shadowclan is gone. Sharpstar sent backup, which arrived shortly after you passed out. The leader's impressed with you — and your sister — and wants you to get better quickly." " Really?" She mumbled sleepily. Her chin dropped onto her paws. " Why?" Fernpaw was the one who answered. " You're going to become a warrior, Sunsetpaw!" Excitement bubbled up in her chest, but before she could say anything, she fell asleep, dreaming of her naming ceremony... Next chapter will be in...first book of AVOS. ~Sunsetsplash~
  • Orh orh orh orh orh

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    Did anyone else watch the FNaF movie? That intro music got me- AHHH AHHH AHH AHHHH 👌
  • LionFur’s nine lives ceremony

    By slimswedee
    “Is this it?” Meowed LionFur. TigerStripe nodded her head and meowed “This is the Moonpool. Take a drink and you should go to StarClan.”LionFur bent down at took a lick and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and he was at his camp but everything seemed misty around the SkyRock was a Red furred cat. “RedFur, brother is that you.” The red StarClan cat lept of the and meowed “LionFur it is so good to see you.” LionFur rubbed his head against his brother.RedFur was the previous SkyClan deputy before RedFur died keeping his daughter warm from the cold leaf-bare. LionFur meowed “Brother.Our sister misses you.” RedFur meowed “I miss her two.How is DustStorm and our kits.StoneKit became a warrior with the warrior name StoneClaw and BoneKit got her warrior name BoneHeart.” RedFur meowed “Tell DustStorm that I love her so much and that I miss her and our kits.” LionFur nodded RedFur meowed “With this life I give you protection use it well to protect your clan as leader.” The two brother pressed noses.Another cat came from the mist and it was his mother BoneTail.BoneTail walked forward and meowed “With this life I give you love, use it well when you have your kits with CottonPelt and to protect the clan.” And from the most came his father LongClaw who meowed “With this life I give you determination.Use it well when you protecting SkyClan.” And from the mist came a kit. It was WoodKit, LionFur’s little sister who drowned saving RedFur as a kit. WoodKit mewed “With this life I give you courage.Use it well when your clan is in need.” After more cats who had died gave him his lives RedFur meowed “Welcome, LionStar.” All nine cats who gave him his nine lives chanted his name and LionStar let out a mew of appreciation.LionStar woke looking down at the Moonpool and he looked at TigerStripe and meowed “Cone let’s go home.” As they left the Moonpool the sun had risen.
  • Surely I’m not the only one?!

    By Dove's Wing
    Frogstar is the best ship EVER!!! They are so cute together! I wish Leopardstar had had kits before she died (RIP) I made their possible kits Shimmerkit-sleek-furred dark gray she-kit Aspenkit-golden tabby she-kit Stonekit-dark gray tomkit with golden spots Ok bye now
  • My warrior cats point of view!

    By soph of bred
    GRAYWILLOW: HalfFace: Wonderful mate ❤️ GrayWillow: Me ^ . ^ Lionkit: cute, but.. kind of.. crazy. Badgerfang: THE WORST OF THE WORST I WANT TO CLAW YOUR FACE O- BlackStar: Best leader! DawnStar: great leader and friend. LightPetel: a bit anxious… MistyLeaf: handsome medicine cat. Best ever med! WhitePelt: 🤬 YOU KILLED MY MISTY 🤬 MoonClaw: rude and always negative. Poppyear: second best medicine cat. SHE SAVED ME! Bluefur: brave mentor who never saw me grow up 😞 DrenchStar: HORRIBLE. EVIL. KILLED BLUEFUR! Had a horrible death, that no cat would ever deserve. BADGERFANG HalfFace: in love with a Kittypet! 😷 GrayWillow: Deserved to die. A weak Kittypet! Lionkit: Oh her? She was an idiot. She also deserved to die, she would grow up to be a horrible warrior. BadgerFang: amazing and also me. BlackStar: he’s always in the way, that’s why I killed him. DawnStar: a pest. And a NOT brave leader, she is the worst. LightPetel: weak, and always worried! MistyLeaf: eww, a medicine cat. And had a forbidden romance! He tried to help Lionkit, which was a lost cause. WhitePelt: THE BEST HAHA! MoonClaw: he’s kinda good but nah. Poppyear: horrible. She ruined all my plans! Bluefur: who? DrenchStar: perfect. Until he messed up and got killed by a weak DawnStar! Leader of the Dark Forest. Killed that stupid Bluefur. LIONKIT HalfFace: He’s nice. GrayWillow: I like her a lot. LionKit: me!!! BadgerFang: meanie 😡 BlackStar: leader of CloudClan! He just disappeared one day. DawnStar: who? LightPetel: Who???? MistyLeaf: the bestttt!!! WhitePelt: mean MoonClaw: he doesn’t like me. Poppyear: very nice, my sister! Bluefur: elders told me story’s about him.. DrenchStar: who i dat?
  • Oh no

    By suuuuuprg
    I have to do the three. Actually it’s also Omens of the stars to this shouldn’t be bad. Right like everyone dislikes me so shouldn’t be bad. Jaggedspeck
  • Some ocs for Dapple since I took all her adoptables

    By warriorsIScool
    •-• oops- bai 🫠 I WANTS MEADOWPAW, APHIDPAW, SHADOWPAW, YARROWLEAF, IRISHEART, AND DEWLEAF *breathes* Lolol but actually please? :D Names: Meadowkit, Meadowpaw, Meadowbird Appearance: cream she-cat with dark brown tabby stripes and green eyes Mate: Treewisp Kits: Foggypaw, Almondpaw (expecting her second litter) Clan: StarburstClan Rank: Queen Apprentice: none Names: Foggykit, Foggypaw (warrior name Foggytail) Appearance: white tom with pale gray dapples and green eyes Mate: OFC NOT Kits: … nO Clan: SunburstClan Rank: Apprentice Mentor: Nutpelt Kin: Meadowbird (mother), Almondpaw (sister), Treewisp (father) Names: Almondkit, Almondpaw, (warrior name Almondstreak) Appearance: white she-cat with brown tabby stripes and amber eyes Mate: … what do you think Kits: rly. no. Clan: SunburstClan Rank: Apprentice Mentor: Bluesky Kin: Foggypaw, Meadowbird, Treewisp Names: Treekit, Treepaw, Treewisp Appearance: brown tom with pale gray dapples and amber eyes Mate: Kits: Clan: Rank: StarburstClan Apprentice: none Names: Nutpelt Appearance: brown tabby she-cat with black eyes Mate: none Kits: none Clan: StarburstClan Rank: Warrior Apprentice: Foggypaw Names: Bluekit, Bluepaw, Bluesky Appearance: blue-gray tom with blue eyes Mate: Maplefur Kits: Raptorpaw, Flamepaw Clan: SunburstClan Rank: Warrior Apprentice: Almondpaw Kin: Bluefang (father) Ravenclaw (mother) Finchlight (sister) Names: Finchkit, Finchpaw, Finchlight Appearance: black she-cat with amber eyes and white and blue-gray dapples Mate: none Kits: none Clan: SunburstClan Rank: Warrior Apprentice: none Also Dapple and Mint, I have made two Clan/Tribe thingies to accompany GalaxyClan and GlowClan in the mountains. We already have the Tribe of Rocky Mountains, the Tribe of Soaring Eagles, the Tribe of Falling Stars, and maybe soon the Tribe of Swift Rivers (maybe), but I made some nEw ones! They are called the Zodiac and the Sundial, and they live close to the tops of the mountains and are based off the moon and sun respectively. Check out book 5 of the new prophecy to find them!!!
  • OakStream ⬇️

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    OakStream: Er, kinda. My friends say I’m funny but really I’m just saying things that are kinda smart. Also, YouTube says that apparently I’m depressed and somehow heartbroken. Idk how tho. (YouTube shorts, the ones that are like if you know this song then you are depressed, etc.) Idk what else to say….. also (you might not know who LeopardSplash is but that’s okay) I got rid of LeopardSplash’s fanfic. Bye I guess. Tigress out. -Tigress -Monarch -SilentMelody -(sneak peak; Raven*) *oc and prologue and first chapter in MapleShade’s book*
  • To plant’ clan

    By cat girl pizza
    Rain: Can I have RippleFire? Fern: Can I take VineTail, GingerStripe, ZinniaKit and PetuniaKit? I got some idea’s. RippleFire is GingerStripe’s brother, ZinniaKit and PetuniaKit are GingerStripe’s kits and VineTail is there father RippleFire was a rouge before he was a warrior and GingerStripe was a kitty pet. their parents are both dead and they were loners that lived in a barn =========================== -Fern’Claw -Rain