Home / Handbook of Environment and Waste Management
The third volume in the Handbook of Environment and Waste Management Series, this book provides a comprehensive compilation of topics at the forefront of many of the technical advances and practices in acid rain and greenhouse gas pollution control. Comprising chapters contributed by internationally recognized authorities in the field of environment and waste management on their areas of expertise, readers may obtain all necessary technical information on control technologies and methods for management of acid rain and greenhouse gases from this work.This handbook is an essential source and one-stop reference for professionals and researchers in the areas of acid rain and greenhouse gas pollution control, and as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in these fields.Contents: Sources, Chemistry and Control of Acid Rain in the Environment (Nazih K Shammas, Lawrence K Wang and Mu-Hao Sung Wang) The Causes, History and Effects of Acid Rain (Yung-Tse Hung and Joseph Sicurezza) Acid Rain: A Growing Global Concern (Babajide Milton Macaulay, Josiah Abolade Owoeye, Sylvanus Fee Abiya, Joshua Ibukun Raji and Yung-Tse Hung) Rain pH Estimation Based on the Particulate Matter Pollutants and Wet Deposition Study (Shweta Singh, Suresh Pandian Elumalai, Asim Kumar Pal and Yung-Tse Hung) The Impact Assessment of Energy, Agriculture, and Socioeconomic Indicators on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Ghana (Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie, Phebe Asantewaa Owusu and Yung-Tse Hung) Analysis of Energy Consumption and Emission of CO₂ in Students' Halls of Residence (Hostels) in Lagos, Nigeria (I H Denwigwe, O M Babatunde, T J Akin-Adeniyi and Yung-Tse Hung) Carbon Dioxide Emission and Mitigation (Yung-Tse Hung and Paul Skerl) Ground-Level Ozone Profile and the Role of Plants as Sources and Sinks (Costas J Saitanis, Evgenios Agathokleous, Kent Burkey and Yung-Tse Hung) Ambient Ozone Alternative Monitoring and Biomonitoring with Higher Plants (Costas J Saitanis, Kent O Burkey, Evgenios Agathokleous and Yung-Tse Hung) Ozone Effects on Vegetation: A Walk from Cells to Ecosystems (K O Burkey, Evgenios Agathokleous, J C Saitanis, Alsayed M Mashaheet, Takayoshi Koike and Yung-Tse Hung) Landfill Methane Emissiones (Hamidi Abdul Aziz, Nor Azalina Rosli and Yung-Tse Hung) Ecological Impact and Management of Solid Waste Landfill Gas (Nazih K Shammas, Lawrence K Wang, Mu-Hao Sung Wang and Shiaw Lii Chen) Agricultural Sources of Greenhouse Gases (Yung-Tse Hung and Anjana Subramanian) Greenhouse Gases (Yung-Tse Hung and Alexander M Toney) Reduction and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (Yung-Tse Hung and Joseph Sicurezza) Global Warming and Mitigation (Yung-Tse Hung and Christina Michelle Forrider) Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Mitigation (Yung-Tse Hung and Patrick T Dodds II) Sulfur Dioxide Emission and Mitigation (Yung-Tse Hung and Ian Ashner) Mitigation of Sulfur Dioxide and Other Air Pollutants (Yung-Tse Hung and Joseph A Carbonaro) Glossary of Climate Change, Global Warming and Ozone Layer Protection (Mu-Hao Sung Wang, Lawrence K Wang and Nazih K Shammas) Glossary of Acid Rain Management and Environmental Protection (Mu-Hao Sung Wang, Lawrence K Wang and Nazih K Shammas) Readership: Professionals and researchers in the areas of acid rain and greenhouse gas pollution control, and as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in these fields.Sources of Acid Rain;Chemistry of Acid Rain;Control of Acid Rain;Carbon Dioxide Emission;Carbon Dioxide Mitigation;Greenhouse Gases Reduction;Global Warming and Mitigation;Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Mitigation;Sulfur Dioxide Emission and Mitigation;Glossary0Key Features: Multiuse of the books as references and textbooks Comprehensive coverage of acid rain and greenhouse gas pollution control Coverage of basic and advanced principals and applications Inclusion of figures, tables, examples and case histories