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The Awakening By Kate Chopin

The Awakening

By Kate Chopin

  • Release Date: 2025-02-21
  • Genre: Theater
  • $1.99


First published in 1899, this beautiful, brief novel so disturbed critics and the public that it was banished for decades afterward. Now widely read and admired, The Awakening has been hailed as an early vision of woman’s emancipation. This sensuous book tells of a woman’s abandonment of her family, her seduction, and her awakening to desires and passions that threated to consumer her. Originally entitled A Solitary Soul, this portrait of twenty-eight-year-old Edna Pontellier is a landmark in American fiction, rooted firmly in the romantic tradition of Herman Melville and Emily Dickinson. I wanted them all, even those I’d already read. —Ron Rosenbaum A Creole Bovary is this little novel of Miss Chopin’s. —Willa Cather Beautifully written. —Edmund Wilson


  • Ground breaking book

    By singer 71
    What a beautiful and yet tragic love story. Perfectly told. I can understand how controversial it was for it’s day 1899. The idea that a woman of that day wanted her independence so strongly as to just move out and decide to live by her own rules must have been seen as a threat to conventional society. This idea was explored in Anna Karenina. And A Dolls House. This book helped pave the way for Virginia Wolfe especially her book A Room of one’s own. Definitely ahead of its time long before women’s lib. I highly recommend this story and not just for women men can learn from it as well.