Home / The Gambler
Corcoran’s bed was hot. He slipped from the bed to the floor and lay there. The wind stirred at the window, died, then stirred again. Suddenly, he heard a prolonged rustling, and Corcoran saw, outlined in the window, the faint figure of something crouched on the sill, peering into the room! Slowly, it dissolved into the body of a man waiting and watching...
The man from the night advanced a leg over the window sill. So infinite was his caution that it was a full minute before his foot touched the floor. Corcoran drew his gun. Finally, the visitor stood erect inside the room and began to move toward the outline of the bed. In the meantime, Corcoran quietly rose to his knees. He circled behind the stranger, and as the man reached the bed, rose softly to his feet.
Then, Corcoran leaped at the intruder, swinging his heavy weapon up and down. The trespasser fell in a crumpled heap! After kindling the lamp, Corcoran prepared to look into the face of his night assailant...