Home / Nightmare Magazine, Issue 91 (April 2020)

Nightmare Magazine, Issue 91 (April 2020) By John Joseph Adams

Nightmare Magazine, Issue 91 (April 2020)

By John Joseph Adams

  • Release Date: 2020-04-01
  • Genre: Horror
  • $2.99


NIGHTMARE is an online horror and dark fantasy magazine. In NIGHTMARE's pages, you will find all kinds of horror fiction, from zombie stories and haunted house tales, to visceral psychological horror.

NIGHTMARE is an online horror and dark fantasy magazine. In NIGHTMARE's pages, you will find all kinds of horror fiction, from zombie stories and haunted house tales, to visceral psychological horror.

Welcome to issue ninety-one of NIGHTMARE. It's always risky, writing a story about vampires--but Ben Peek spins us a novel take on the monster in his new short "See You on a Dark Night." Millie Ho's new story, "A Moonlit Savagery," uses two different kinds of monster to span the gap between Bangkok and the Toronto suburbs. We also have reprints by Dan Stintzi ("Surrogate") and A.C. Wise ("And the Carnival Leaves Town"). In the "The H Word," Evan Peterson talks about some of the stigmas against mental illness that exist within our genre. Plus we have author spotlights with our authors, and a media review from Adam-Troy Castro.