Home / Energy Science And Technology (Opportunities And Challenges)
Energy is the basic ingredient of the very fabric of life on earth. It is so intimately connected with daily life processes that one does not even feel that it is the energy one is dealing with. But the conventional sources of energy are depleting very fast and non-conventional sources tapped so far are not as economical as the conventional ones. This scenario presents both opportunities and challenges for the energy sector. Opportunities lie for huge economic benefits to energy sector by occurrence of more efficient techniques to utilize the existing energy sources and evolution of new materials and technologies capable to reduce the cost of non-conventional energy. The challenge lies in meeting the increased energy demand to maintain the economic growth through clean energy technologies for reduced carbon dioxide emission. Volume 1 deals with energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and carbon sequestration technologies and opportunities in alternate power generation technologies. The highlights of the volume 1 are as under: o Carbon dioxide emissions and the progress on carbon capture and storage projects o Current situation of world carbon dioxide emissions o Theory and practice in different regulatory approaches of emissions o Estimation of diesel engine emissions during non-road transient cycles o Property models of MEA-based post-combustion carbon capture process o Carbon sequestration technologies o Greenhouse effect o Green energy o Green power for energy security and environmental sustainability o Power generation from waste field of cassava (manihot esculenta crantz) to produce ethanol o Utilization of alcohols along with gasoline in SI engines o Hydroelectric power o Explosives and propellants as energetic materials o Scientometric study of the global energy research o Review of citation classics on the global energy research o Uruguayan energy futures - scenarios, regimes and niches The volume boasts of 21 chapters contributed by 25 authors across 6 continents represented by 14 nations viz. Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Mexico, Slovenia, Turkey and United States of America, addressing the global priorities in Opportunities and Challenges before the energy sector.