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Feronde and Other By Jean de La Fontaine

Feronde and Other

By Jean de La Fontaine

  • Release Date: 2019-09-28
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
  • $3.99


THOSE who in fables deal, bestow at ease Both names and titles, freely as they please.
It costs them scarcely any thing, we find.
And each is nymph or shepherdess designed; Some e’en are goddesses, that move below, From whom celestial bliss of course must flow.
THIS Horace followed, with superior art:— If, to the trav’ller’s bed, with throbbing heart, The chambermaid approached, ‘twas Ilia found, Or fair Egeria, or some nymph renowned.
GOD, in his goodness, made, one lovely day, Apollo, who directs the lyrick lay, And gave him pow’rs to call and name at will, Like father Adam, with primordial skill.
Said he, go, names bestow that please the ear; In ev’ry word let sweetest sound appear.
This ancient law then proves, by right divine, WE oft are sponsors to the royal line.
WHEN pleasing tales and fables I endite, I, who in humble verse presume to write, May surely use this privilege of old, And, to my fancy, appellations mould.
If I, instead of Anne, should Sylvia say, And Master Thomas (when the case I weigh) Should change to Adamas, the druid sage, Must I a fine or punishment engage?
No, surely not:—at present I shall choose Anne and the Parson for my tale to use.
WITHIN her village, Anne was thought the belle, And ev’ry other charmer to excel.
As near a river once she chanced to stray, She saw a youth in Nature’s pure array, Who bathed at ease within the gliding stream; The girl was brisk, and worthy of esteem, Her eyes were pleased; the object gave delight; Not one defect could be produced in sight; Already, by the shepherdess adored, If with the belle to pleasing flights he’d soared, The god of love had all they wished concealed None better know what should not be revealed.