Home / Warriors Super Edition: Squirrelflight's Hope

Warriors Super Edition: Squirrelflight's Hope By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Squirrelflight's Hope

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2019-09-03
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 176 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! Also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure.

In this Super Edition, set just after the events of A Vision of Shadows, ThunderClan deputy Squirrelflight is caught between her conscience and her Clan.  

Though all five Clans have settled into equally divided territories around the lake, tensions are rising over the new borders. And when a group of rogue cats move in just beyond Clan boundaries, drawing the Clans’ frustration, Squirrelflight must choose between her duty as ThunderClan’s deputy and her desire to do what’s right.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.


  • Great book but

    By bmurr00
    Squirrel and bramble are toxic and lies
  • Darkfalls path. Chapter 8 final chapter

    By warriorcatskindness
    Chapter 8. The leader looked proud. “Of course you can.” He said. I smiled proudly. “Thank you.” I dipped my head in respect. This is my path. Sorry for the short chapter and for not posting for a while. Goodbye! ~Darkfall of Skyclan~
  • First fanfic _~_Chapter 4_~_

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    Ash’s brain erupted into chaos. |She’s here - what do I do - did I do someone wrong again - what will father say - he’s right, I do look like her - I need to get away -| “Not even saying hello?” She smirked, with that ‘I’m going to harm you and your loved ones’ expression. She backed away slowly, not knowing what else to do. Normally, she was able to figure things out quickly, but with her family… |I…I can’t go through that again…she’s the reason…| Her mother was the reason that her father hated her. She looked like her, so he was reminded of who had harmed his “PRECIOUS RAVEN” every time he looked at her - SHE was the reason that Raven even stayed with them! |But…it doesn’t make sense. Mother’s wrongdoings shouldn’t have made him hate me. It must be something else…I must have done something wrong…| That was the only explanation, right? “Whoops! Did you forget about your beloved mother, midget?” She had. It was so easy to get lost, to forget everything. But she couldn’t ever let down her guard around this cat. “Please leave us alone…” she stuttered, hating how small and scared she sounded. Her mother laughed, seemingly delighted by her fear. “Ha! You really think that I’ll leave you alone? No, no, no. I have unfinished business with you all…your father and Raven in particular.” Raven…she didn’t care about her, except for the fact that her father would be heartbroken. So…she had to help Raven, but not for her. It was all for her father, no one else. “Well, run along! Tell them…” she paused to laugh. “I’d like to see you try to fight back! Just remember…your precious father and Raven will both die, and on my watch.” Ash ran as quick as she could back to the camp. “Father!” She called out in dismay. “Where is father?!” Nora padded up to her. |Ugh, not her. She’s the last cat I want to deal with.| “Leave me alone. I don’t have time for you mouse-brains right now.” But where was her father? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Well I’ve been hearing decent things about this, so I will continue writing it until further notice. I personally think that it’s ridiculous, but I’m happy that you guys seem to enjoy it! Next chapter in Tiger’heart’s Shadow!
  • Chapter eight of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part two

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Lol this was so long, I had to split it. 🥲 Sunsetpaw slipped out of camp. It was night, and despite it being so late, she couldn't sleep. After Specklebranch and Cherrybud received their names, everybody went back to their duties and the two new warriors went hunting. Now that it was nightfall, they were holding their vigil. A fact she knew quite well. She secretly hoped that they were both asleep on the job as she padded in front of them, but they weren't. " Who–" Cherrypaw started to say, but Specklebranch smacked his paw over his mouth. He didn't say anything, but his face clearly said, " be quiet! We're not supposed to say anything." " Sorry guys." Sunsetpaw meowed, trying to sound casual as she slipped by the siblings. " Just out for a walk. Be back soon." As soon as she was out of sight, she bounded through the ferns and weaved between the trees. The wind felt so good between her fur! She ran until she reached the river, the border between Riverclan and Thunderclan. She sat down in the grass and watched the water flow. After a few moments, she heard a rustling sound and turned. A cat was slinking out of a clump of ferns. His pelt was a dark tortoiseshell, a blend of black, amber and gold. His eyes gleamed a sinister dark amber, almost red in tone. The tom wasn't large, but he still looked menacing, and his unsheathed claws glinted when the moonlight caught them. " Well, well, well. What have we here?" He purred. His voice was oily and smooth. Sunsetpaw felt frozen to the spot. Why did she have to leave camp? " A little — what do they call them? Ah — an apprentice." He slithered closer; Sunsetpaw could feel his hot breath on her whiskers. " What are you doing out here alone, and so late at night." " W-what are you doing here." Sunsetpaw tried to force herself to growl, but it came out more like a squeak. The tom laughed, a horrible, cold, menacing purr, and studied her closely. " I won't hurt you...yet. Run along back to your clan, and let's forget we ever met, shall we?" Sunsetpaw felt her hackles raise and she unsheathed her claws. " Or what?" She challenged, feeling braver now. " What if I don't want to leave?" " Or I will kill you. I have no guilt in shutting up young cats who are too nosy for their own business, for I am Dark Shadow...a shadow on every cat's sun..." Sunsetpaw's heart lurched, but the tom bounded into the trees — away from Thunderclan. Should she tell someone about him? Or should she keep quiet. He might not even hurt the clans, so long as they didn't provoke him. No, she would keep this a secret. I will only tell Sharpstar if I need to, she thought to herself. Shaken, disturbed and afraid, she padded back to camp, taking every precaution she knew to throw any cat off her trail. When she finally reached her nest, she collapsed and fell into a fitful sleep. - Sunsetsplash
  • Chat thing like what suprg makes.

    By soph of bred
    *my Fanfic btw!* (Starclan) Bluefur: Why won’t people just die? 😭 Lilypaw: That sounds really bad. Bluefur: it came out wrong 😅 Lilypaw: but I do agree with you. It’s soo lonely here. *a couple moons later* Lionkit: where am I? Bluefur: AND ITS A KIT! Lilypaw: how did you die? You’re so young! Lionkit: I fell off of the high rock Starclan cats: 😂 😆 😂 😆 Lionkit: ): Many, many, moons later. GrayWillow: oh hi Violetkit! Lionkit: welcome to Starclan! Violetpaw: I’m violetpaw, MOm! GrayWillow: understood 😅 GrayWillow: how’s Spottedoak, BlackSong, *mentions all her kits* Violetpaw: idk. Or I just don’t remember. I just got mauled by a badger ya know! GrayWillow: oh my BabY pOor BAbY Violetpaw: Starclan save me- oh right… (DARK FOREST) DrenchStar: I have a perfect plan to destroy the forest! GrayTail: sounds like it’ll take too long. I kinda wish I was alive, or in Starclan. WhitePelt: GrayTail, you’ve really changed. Badgerfang: I think that lighting messed with you’re head. Spottedpelt: I SAY OFF TO STARCLAN WITH YA! GrayTail: oh no… DrenchStar: No! Don’t! Omg… Spottedpelt* beating GrayTail* WhitePelt: I never thought how lame the dark forest would actually be. *Starclan partying* DawnStar: hi Dark forest cats: WHAT ARE U DOING HERE?! DawnStar: meh, idk. I died. I think I did something evil. Idk. 🤔 I hope u enjoyed! ~TIMBERLEAF
  • Final chapter, chapter 18, of Ivywhisker’s Truth! *edit*

    By warriorsIScool
    Oc means original character. Its most often used to write stories not really relating to the universe the character is set in :) Six moons later, Birchkit was apprenticed to Rainripple. Ivywhisker left the nursery, but Birchwhisker’s wound grew worse, eating away at him. She spent a lot of time by his side, but when he told her to go and hunt she jumped at the chance. Basically a permanent queen for eighteen moons when her litters were born one after the other, she was eager to catch a mouse again. Littledusk, Moonwater, Lilyheart, and Runningwater went on the hunting patrol with her, and they raced through the forest together, her legs stretching with glee. She caught a robin and was about to bury it, when a stench entered the clearing and a badger stalked from the trees. He coughed, blood spattering the ground. He was quickly fading now. It wouldn’t be long before he left to join StarClan. And Ivywhisker… she’d come too. He would spend eternity with the love of his life at last. The badger lunged towards Littledusk, and she stumbled on a tree root and crashed to the ground. She could see the fear in her eyes as the badger loped over to her, and clawed the death blow. But right before she shut her eyes, she could swear that she’d seen a swirl of black and white speckled fur taking the blow, and shimmering sapphire eyes. Later, she would tell this story to her kits, grandkits and her grandkits’s kits, and they would tell it to their kits, grandkits, grandkit’s kits: Ivywhisker’s strange black pelt, her eyes sapphire after being emerald for her whole life. Mooncloud eased him into a laying position and gave him poppy seeds to ease the pain. He knew that it was his end. She lunged, her paws pushing off the ground. Claws of stone met her throat. He closed his eyes and expelled his last breath from his lungs. And as the badger clamped its jaws around her neck with its dying breath, and her life spilled out onto the ground in a stream of crimson blood that soaked her fur and clotted there, all she could think was: •I’ll see my family and my mate again…• And then the blackness descended over her eyes and she took her final breath of air. And then he peacefully faded away. •It’s time.• •It’s time.• ____THE END! THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY! Don’t worry, Ivy will get her happiness in StarClan. (Honestly I cried a little after she died). I still have an epilogue to post! ______ |vy
  • Hello everyone!

    By Coachkm
    Hi! I’m making cats that died as an apprentice or kit a warrior! If you have and idea please let me know in crookedstars promise! Tysm!
  • Sparkfur

    By Sparkfur of thunderclan
    The Erin’s should bring Princess (Firstar’s sister) back into the books. I mean the person(s) who wrote “Graystripes Vow” (I mean he is nearly as old as Mistystar) should at least try to bring Princess to the clans some how. Also of course either make it a super edition OR she is found by a Starclan cat who needs help after the Broken Code series OR her grand kits (-got this idea from “Graystripes Vow”- ) could have been told by their parents or their grandmother herself Princess about the clans old territory and Firestar telling her that the clans moved territory OH and she could have seen Graystripe go to the Moonstone but decided not to go greet him because she was scared of leaving the safety of the two-leg place Seriously I think this would be a perfect story to write If anyone else has any ideas we could actually help the Erin’s make it. No idea is a bad idea!!!!😁😁😁💕💕 Does anyone else agree or is it just me?

    By tatertotsy 13
    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I accidentally foUnD that chapter before I read the rest. I SPOILED IT FOR MYSELF 😂 am very sad MagnoliaHeart Bye

    By kasy268
    The colors of your eyes omg, Red= how you react when the annoying pigeon meme plays Orange= Trying to chase a goose around the neighborhood asking it what it thinks about God Yellow= Those cute anime girl memes Green= “I’m ugly and I’m proud” Indigo= “Your so cute and funny” as the saying goes Violet= “Lemme show you some real speed” LOOOOL Pink= I AM UNDER THE WATER White= that one try not to laugh where the yt never seems to laugh 🤨🤨 Black= *TRIGGERED* Dear Bella, StarClan is like heaven, so the Clan cats worship them. It is also why the leaders have “Star” as there suffix. Mintflower of StardustClan EspressøMøcha