Home / As to Myself, Volume 2
This is a book of poetry that is inspired by free thought and an open mind. Journey with
me as I plug into the power and record what’s said. I recognize that spirits are speaking
through me; so I claim no glory. I am just the apparatus that the power is choosing to work
through. Every thought in each poem was inspired by thought. To say that I wrote this
book would be plagiarism. I am no more than a vine that knows he’s connected. I trust that
something said will move you in the direction we all seek; happiness. Attempt to listen
with your heart so that you may be touched. Each poem is a living breathing being, absorb
so that you may connect. Connect to the power, the spirit and yourself. Let us remain
humble to learn and to digest. Let us give to others that which we most want ourselves;
LOVE. Reach inside, be honest with you feelings, with the power and with yourself. Allow
your highest thought to be elevated. Then follow that thought to the heights you were
meant to explore. We owe it to everyone that leans on us to think freely, we must share
the gift of open mindedness. You have now joined a POSITIVE thought race, remember the
way you start will be the way that you finish.