Home / Siren in the City, Texas Sirens, Book 2

Siren in the City, Texas Sirens, Book 2 By Lexi Blake

Siren in the City, Texas Sirens, Book 2

By Lexi Blake

  • Release Date: 2018-01-23
  • Genre: Erotic Romance
  • $4.99
Score: 4.5
From 120 Ratings


Re-released in a second edition with new scenes.

Jack and Sam married Abby. It was supposed to be for forever, but lately Abby wonders where her alpha male has gone. Jack has retreated and life has become decidedly vanilla. It isn't the true marriage she and Sam wanted. Sam and Abby know the time has come to fight for what they need. 

A call from his mentor forces Jack to revisit the club where he discovered his sexuality. Jack's half-brother is in the city and interested in a little blackmail. Can Jack handle two defiant subs and a brother in need of some tough love?

Sometimes all it takes to find the way home is a little love and a lot of mischief.

Come back to the beginning and revisit some of your favorite old characters or find new ones to love. Siren in the City has been revised and new scenes added. And if you look closely, you’ll find not only the beginnings of the Sophie Oak world, but also the seeds of how McKay-Taggart began….


  • Love Lexi!!

    By Hotshot263
    Siren in the City is the second installment of the Texas Sirens series by Lexi Blake (also known as Sophia Oak). Before you begin, if you haven’t read the first installment, Small Town Siren, then please do before you read Siren in the City for they are about the same trio couple. Jack and Sam got the girl..or I should say woman. All of them have rings to show their love and how it prevailed. However, lately Abby is wondering where her alpha male has disappeared too. Jack has retreated to more of a vanilla life, which isn’t where their true love lies. As Abby and Sam urge Jack back into the life that kick started his sexuality, trouble has arise and it’s about to get dirty…but in the best possible way. Will this trouble be exactly what Jack needs or will Abby’s expectations for their lives be in shambles? I was thrilled to learn that Jack, Sam and Abby’s story was just getting started, because I had a few questions regarding Jack. Lexi Blake did a marvelous job revealing more about Jack, Sam and Abby’s journey into marriage. Some people doesn’t need easy and others…well need a little ‘spice’ to keep the love afloat. I can’t get enough of this side of Lexi and I really do look forward to reading more! Tempting Sexy Thoughts **ARC for an Honest Review**
  • A Struggling Day & His Two Naughty Submissives

    By Fairest Reviews
    With three people in the mix, especially ones as headstrong as Jack, Sam, and Abby can be, a happily ever after is doable but not without work…not without a few missteps…not without a reminder of what brought them all together in the first place and what keeps them coming back for more, even after the ‘newness’ wears off and life becomes more about living instead of loving. Readers don’t truly know Jack as a Dom with a capital D until they see him in full Dom mode in the place that started his journey and his awareness of what he liked/needed sexually, and let me tell you, that’s what Sophie Oak gives readers in Siren in the City. And while there are plenty of scenes that illustrate Jack’s dominant side when it comes to sexual playtime, what’s also prevalent in the story are Jack’s anti-Dom moments and those times show the weight that rests on Jack’s shoulders and how dealing with all of those things has turned him into a different man - one who still loves and lives, but one who is so unlike the man that Abby and Sam fell for with one domineering stare. It’s quite the adventure when two naughty submissives take it upon themselves to help their Dom find his way back to them, and while it’s entertaining and at some points utterly hilarious, Abby and Sam’s actions also illustrate just how much they miss their lover, their friend, and their Dom. I definitely enjoyed Siren in the City…anytime I can read more about a trio of characters I’ve come to love and who entertain me as much as Jack, Abby, and Sam do is a great day of reading…although I do have to admit that I hated how much time Jack spent away from Abby and Sam…it didn’t seem right and it made my heart hurt that Jack was struggling so much and there was not much, at least at the beginning, that Abby and Sam could do to help. I understand why the separation had to occur, I just didn’t like it and I was too impatient for their reunion that I’m sure I missed out on some of the finer details, but ultimately, I got what I wanted in the end which left me a satisfied reader! 4 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
  • A fantastic read!!!

    By sferguson105
    This was an amazing read!!! While I enjoyed the first book about these three, this one drew me in from the start and I devoured it in hours! Seeing Jack build his relationship with not just Sam and their marriage with Abby, but also with his brother, was awesome to see. He comes out of his shell and you can’t help but feel the pain he’s gone through emotionally. Abby is one of my favorite heroines. She may be a sub, but don’t underestimate her and her feistiness. Sam is funny, sweet, sexy, and knows just how to handle his spouses when they need handling. Throw in the perfect amount of suspense and drama, and this book is a fantastic read. I would definitely recommend this read!!!